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That bus with the little men in their white coats already left years ago. No worries.

Once we depart in the imaginary RV, with real Sees candy and real margaritas, we can drive in shifts, all night long. Truckers take Vit. B-12 to be able to drive long distances without sleeping. All caregivers can take the hint.

My only concern is if you will want to come back, in time to let the cows out.You good with that?

No lizzy, not in our minds....we're out of our minds!

So, we are going to be taking a our minds?

When are we leaving?

Oh yeah....what about our packages,all the stuff we buy?Is it gonna fit?I wanna bring back some of that good vanilla they have in Mexico if that's where we go.

I was hoping there would be a john....& I'll just be a rider,not a driver.I'd rather play games with the Brats in back.
Puerto Vallarta sounds great to me too.I'd love to get out of our weather.
Iv'e got a box of Russell Stover's,but I was hoping someone could bring some See's since we don't have that wonderful chocolate here.Were gonna need lots of chocolate & candy.

Thanks Sue!
That is exactly what we all were doing...."Wishing!".

Enjoy your beach, margaritas, and hubs.

I would LOVE all the brats to join us in Puerto Vallarta!!
Since we have lived here before, we know all the places to go and make great tour guides. We also know the best areas of the beach and I make a mean Margarita 🍸too.

Driving from the southern U.S., it takes about 2-1/2 days to drive ‘cause you only drive during the day (for safety).
It’s a balmy 83F (28C) at 2:45 pm right now. 3 cruise ships 🚢 are in port today and lots of tourists are soaking up the sun.

Wish ya’ll were here.

You meant "how you have *not* behaved badly" would be shorter?

Can you drive? We need a good driver.......

How have I *not* behaved bratty would be a better question. I'm ornery like that ;) I'll catch the bus to the beach too if you all will have me. We have the chocolates already, so I'll bring the music.

Of course you are coming with us, even if someone has to teach you how to be bratty! Real bratty!

Volunteers? State your qualifications here:

How have you behaved badly?

Has the Brat RV left yet?!?

Can we get to Puerto Vallarta in a day?

I will pack light only my travel cooler.

I’ll be good! Really I will!

And a bathroom. It has a bathroom.

Sorry brats, I did get lost in a spring cleaning frenzy, hanging bird perches up high for Tweety. Needed help, but working with dH was like s l o w pulling taffy, so slow. I am going to hire help.

Where is that bus, did it take off without me?

Sees candy, did you get some Easter Eggs Chocolates, MsMadge?

Y'all know it is not really a bus, right?
It is a luxury 45' RV, with a fridge for the chocolate.

MsMadge, it must be bad, because she's had all her pneumonia vaccines.

seems there's a virulent pneumonia going around facilities now - two have passed in under 48 hours in mom's in the past week

Well, I've been standing outside waiting for the brat bus but Send obviously got lost or just headed for the border and forgot me

too bad, I packed an extra box of See's for the trip and have the limes and tequila in a travel cooler

A day late and a dollar short. I missed the brat bus!

LonelyStar, what's a normal life?  I can't remember.
I have never been to Puerto Vallarta.  Will the Brat Bus go that far? Sounds better than here.

Rose is very sick.  Lots of calls from NH about how aggressive we want to be with her illness, is morphine OK for her? etc.  She has pneumonia, and is unresponsive.  Antibiotic lowered her fever, and O2 is helping her breathing. I went in yesterday, and have never seen her not respond to my voice or hand stroking her head, arms. I don't know what to expect, or when. I should see her every day, but as a brat I'm avoiding seeing her. Maybe after the bus ride.

SueC1957, do you need some company in Puerto Vallarta?! LOL

I guess I'm checking in..currently visiting my grandfather at the rehab facility he's been in since January. When I say he has talked nonstop for the past 40 minutes..I've actually zoned out. Also, he's like the loudest person up here but the nurses just love him. From my understanding rehab will turn into long term care that's also at this same place. A lot of my burden has lifted with having him here being cared for but it can be an inconvenience to come visit him. He tends to hold onto certain things/memories, asks for stuff over and over and I have to talk to him like he's a toddler. I feel so bad but whatever keeps him quiet.

I'm about to leave. Told him I have to get back to work. Truth is, I was laid off 2.5 months ago. I've done a side job ever since and just accepted a new position that I start next week. I can't wait to use work as an excuse to not be able to come around. There's plenty of other relatives that can come and visit. I'm tired and need to get back to somewhat of a normal life.

Pack a toothbrush for a day trip only.
I am not the driver this time, so where are we going?

Maybe Sue needs visitors in Puerto Vallarta? We could help her get down to the beach.???

Where's the Brat Bus headed this time Send and what all do we need to pack?

Do you have a horse picked out?

We all know how hard you must try to he a brat.
For some, it just doesn't come natural.

Where is Boots, GrannieAnnie......the Brat bus will be leaving soon.


Only ten years old? I am just guessing since then you have not been a brat?

I know I have......

Oh and in case someone reads this and wants to run me out of town, I was 10 yrs old. ;)

Brat checking in. Well since I'm checking in anyway let me tell a good brat story.

When I was in elementary school I wrote Mr. Cawston stinks on the blackboard. He did stink. I think he may have had a drinking problem.
But still...


with the loss of mom’s neighbor the dining room seating is changing

the Viking was starting to roar at lunch and I was apologizing to the new table mate
very sweet man who also is a Viking as it turns out

uff da

Checkn' in,Brat here too~

Brat here. Checking in.

Even brats take a break from being bratty. But just you wait......they come back even Brattier.

Muah ha ha!

Gershun, Where have you been, brat!

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