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PhoenixDaughter....I have never thought about prison conditions versus a NH. It does seem that the NH residents have it worse! And have to pay for it too!

Yes, but Tony in the next cell might beat you up in the shower and those prison guards are mean. Plus those prison tattoos are very amateur hour. :(

Well I could keep my promise but I might end up in prison....however prison could be the better option. Im sure you've all seen it but it still makes me chuckle albeit nervously:

Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in a nursing home.

This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies, and walks, they'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs, etc, and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly if they fell or needed assistance. Bedding would be washed twice a week and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool, and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, P.J.'s and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard with gardens. Each senior could have a PC, a TV, radio, and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors to hear complaints and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The "criminals" would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised with lights off at 8 p.m., showers once a week, living in a tiny room, pay the assisted living costs of nearly $5000 per month and have no hope of ever getting out.

Justice for all."

Good Morning Phoenix, welcome brat.
Glad you will be getting better. Your post reminded me of Kenny Rogers' song about Tommy promising his Dad he wouldn't fight or do the things he's done, and for that he was called the "Coward of the County", which is the name of the song/story/ballad. Then, one day, due to different circumstances unforseen, Tommy had to break his promise and fight.

Good morning brats. Well the last week has been horrendous but now know why. I was certain my liver or kidneys were about to pack up but no it seems not. This time it's the docs fault - I was put on 40mg furosemide (you might know it as lasix) then 80 but she dropped me down to 20 because my legs had stopped being so swollen.

Well in one week I put on 12.5 pounds in weight, felt terrible and my liver was definitely playing up to say nothing of my kidneys. Never put it down to the meds but went back to doc. She upped it straight away and within 2 days I have lost 7 pounds so it seems I am not gonna die dammit - anything would be a relief right now. But catch 22 prevails - I promised Dad I wouldn't put her into a care home so I am left doing the caring. So do I forsake my father who I adored beyond all others or do I forsake myself which I have to say is the easier option. So glad I have a DNR in place and am saving hard for that flight to Switzerland

Good Night Send and all the other brats out there.

Gershun, my post to you was unsuccessful or deleted.
Get some sleep only after the Perseid passes by.

Yes. Only briefly researched tupac due to following a bad website, with word fun in title, then spin the wheel, win a prize, and plooey, my kindle was in their control.!!!
Behaving badly because I knew better than to do that! No free gifts online.
Cleared my history, dH helped.

Goodnight! Going outside to look at the sky.

...and he had beautiful eyes!

Sendme he was shot wasn't he. I think I had heard that. My niece had a poster of him in her bedroom. I didn't actually wake up my neighbors but it was a good thought at the time. I finally got to sleep at 6:00 am. I am going to doc tomorrow to see if he will prescribe me something to help me sleep. Wish me luck.

Gershun, Maybe waking up all the neighbors last night was not such a good idea?

Self-correcting here: Tupac Shakur, a poet hip-hop artist who died at age 25 in 1996. Saw: Tupac Shakur quotes online, just amazing, relevant to today.

Yes it's okay that you didn't get it Send. His real name is Daniel but because he is kind of chubby we call him Too Fat Shakur. Actually, thx for correcting me Ali. I meant to say too fat. Not enough sleep.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I like "Two (or Too) Fat," but Tupac would have been just as cute for a cat, imo. I'm slightly older than the Tupac Shakur generation, but only by a couple of years. He was an interesting person, had good lyrics and thoughtfulness, I think.

Two pack, the 80's? Not my age group but dH knew it. He knows lots about movies, songs, etc. I didn't get it, but that is okay, right?

We call one of our cats Two Fat Shakur. I hope people of our age range will get the rap reference.

Two of my mom's five agency hired caregivers have gone on leave in the past week and the agency is having trouble replacing them - wtf? Is unemployment so low that no one wants to spend 4 hours in the afternoon with a demented 93 year old woman in a memory care center ?

Scared, What do you mean? Private message me?

was it something I said

I've renamed our house Casa de Pee Pee. Only this group would get that.

Thanks for the laughs. I needed that!

Yes, Luckylu, that is bratty!

Micalost, Was going to let thjs one go, but seems my brat skills are being sharpened as we go along, learning together, all of us..
Shop owners everywhere have been posting bad checks at the cash register for years. It is a crime. I was thinking that you could post all the checks your sister wrote on fb? (That is, only if the account is closed, and you are willing to leave both fb and the country!) Stiil, something should be done. Wishing I knew a way.

When I said to think about where your fingernails have been,I was thinking about the john........

I hear Vodka cleans out anything... just saying!!

Veronica, That was going to be third on my list of where my fingernails have been, inside gloves. Recently reloaded the supply with the blue nitrite gloves.

Also true, your name was omitted (due to time constraints) from the list of brats needed to be personally monitored by the censors. Lol.

I would have put other's names, but they have not yet made their presence know, they are busy being brats.

What do you use to keep the tube clear, maybe lemonade? Have you designed your own recipe yet?

And they thought Ensure would be good for me! The stuff they prescribe for my feeding tube sets hard like caramel.
Send there are gloves you know that's what nurses use!

They have been in the chocolate pudding? Dishwater with bleach?

Send...Don't eat your fingernails!Think where they've been last......Ewwww!

Gonna find out about the jello source, Rainmom. Maybe I will have,to start biting and eating my own fingernails.

It is so much more fun and easier to be bratty on someone else's behalf, is anyone finding that? Maybe should never mention this, but has anyone read the ingredients listed on ensure?

Just going to leave that here, let it sink in-don't nobody panic.

Ewww! I stopped eating jello years ago when I found out what it's made from. No, it's not horses hooves- that's an urban legend- but it's almost as bad. No offense to all you jello eaters intended.

That is jello with sugar.

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