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Last time I got out I tried to stay away until somebody wondered...didnt happen. I thought I had disappeared, no one noticed.

It didn't say, CW. I think it was only because of the potato factor that my paper even thought the story interesting. Feelings running high over the roasties, and all that.

Sounds to me like six of one, half a dozen of the other, and a shove that was harder than intended. Don't think bullying narcissists go in much for cooking Christmas dinners for their mums, do they? And post lung-cancer (presumably it was the chemo aggravating the osteoporosis) she could be forgiven for getting crabby if he wasn't parboiling the spuds right.

But I'm only guessing. I'll see if there's any more about it to come.

Geeze CM, one minute we are discussing mosquitoes and suddenly we're picturing a little old lady being murdered cause her potatoes didn't pass muster. What a buzzkill................get it, buzz kill? LOL

No problem CM, you can kill my buzz anytime. :)

Just slap them all.

Other way round, Gershun. Little old lady criticised son's potatoes. You don't diss a man's potatoes.

Don't know how I can be flippant about it. It's just terribly, terribly sad. Sorry, folks!

The 40 y.o. son, it may be discovered (imo) is autistic, mentally ill, or developmentally challenged, brain damaged, and was alleged to be on antidepressants.
Would not surprise me one bit if the antidepressants were SSRI's.
Happens more often than the general public realize.
Don't shoot the messenger.

M O S Q U I T O ! ! !

One little bastard has bitten me on the collar bone, how very dare he. You'd have thought English mosquitoes would be too timid to go there wouldn't you? I blame my neighbours' pond. They're away this weekend. Might drain it while they're not looking...

Thought of you today while dining at the counter of Mimi's you are following Wimbleton. There was Wimbleton on the big color screen-did not actually see a tennis match, but talk about Venus moving fwd. into the finals tennis match Saturday.

Was having such a nice day, sitting there watching LIVE T.V. today.
Not like at home, looking into the games, were a week old! Saw that horrible injury!
Then, gave up trying to watch sports to improve my mind. Sorry, maybe others are following the match.
The restaurant has a french motif, just an upscale coffeeshop, but I really like it. Does the UK have Mimi's?

Was the mosquito a male or female?  Have you checked?
"The female mosquito is the one that bites (males feed on flower nectar). She requires blood to produce eggs. Her mouthparts are constructed so that they pierce the skin, literally sucking the blood out. Her saliva lubricates the opening."

Eeeew!  Mosquitoes behaving badly!

Put some e-oils in the pond, the mosquitos cannot lay eggs then.
Isn't standing water B A N N E D ? Lol.
Are there any Koi?

Good on ya!  Draining the pond would be bratty!  You can have Koi sushi.  Do you know how to make it?

Getting my jammies on. Goodnight dear brats.

So tired, think I am coming down with West Nile virus.

MsMadge, are you surviving?  I never get headaches, until now.

Venus will be on Centre Court at 1pm and I will certainly be watching on my snazzy new tv! I don't think her opponent will trouble her for long, I just hope it doesn't get embarrassing. You can probably get it online, if you'd like to and your computer's up to it (don't ask me what you have to do about that, though, haven't a clue).

Also, I think the American broadcast gets John McEnroe doing the commentary - he sits in with the BBC team earlier on in the competition, but then has to go off and do his own slot. He is really good on the technical side, not surprisingly, so you learn a lot of things you wouldn't otherwise have noticed.

Oo! AND, he's the guest on Desert Island Discs this coming Sunday morning. It's going to be an interesting listen. His relationship with the UK has been long and chequered: safe to say he is now fully embraced as an honorary national treasure, you don't get invited on Desert Island Discs if you're not, but I'm not so sure he's completely forgiven us. Not quite. Do you get Desert Island Discs, or anything like it? The format is that the guest imagines he or she has been ship-wrecked and is left alone with only a record player and eight records of their choice. Then they play the records and talk about the reasons for choosing them and the guest's life, work, background and so on; then at the end they have to pick just one of the eight, that they'd save if all else was lost; plus they get to choose a luxury, which must be of no practical use because that's the rule, and one book - they get given the King James Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare because otherwise everyone picks those and it gets too samey. The programme's been running for decades and there are some very interesting guests on the list - Bill Gates, Joan Baez, J K Galbraith, Whoopi Goldberg.

We don't have Mimi's, but there's something that sounds quite similar, Café Rouge. It used to a very decent franchise chain where you could get a fair Parisian-style breakfast or snack lunch and read the papers, but then it got taken over by a big corporate and the quality suffered - haven't been back for a while.

Told my hubs that I had a headache. Then I wrapped myself head to toe in mosquito netting. He thought it attractive. Then I slapped him. Lol.

2pm, not 1pm - oh well, I've got time to mow the lawn then.

I really like Mimi's, we have one here in northern Virginia. Prices are reasonable, nice choices of entrees, like the French decor, and the place is quiet.

Oh how I hate restaurants when the sound level keeps going up and up, I just couldn't think straight so I panic.

Couple years ago we would take my elderly parents out to Olive Garden but it got to a point where my parents could no longer hear us when we talked, and I was ready to bolt big time. Then I found out they had carry-out. Perfect. Set the dining room table, have sig other run to Olive G when the order was ready. And Mom didn't need to worry about sitting in a booth where the air conditioning would be blowing on her, and we would need to move to another booth, and another booth.

I'm laughing about changing seats due to the draft - seems like no matter where you sit the a/c vent is over their heads - of course, I don't like it blowing on me either - lol

I'm going to have a hard time not behaving badly today -
it's bro's bday and I feel obligated to drive mom 35 miles to see him since he won't come see her - as it is I had to rearrange mom's caregiver schedule since bro's wife wants an early dinner which means I have an 8 hour shift with mom plus 70 miles of driving -
Not that I would mind if they offered any help with mom
Now I'm whining ....

To do this correctly, MsMadge, be a better brat and bring 1-2 Caregivers with you!
Don't tell bro they are coming!!!

Thought I better put bro's gift in the car now so I don't forget it - think a box of See's will be ok in the heat for 3 hours?

Yes, MsMadge, The Sees will be great in the trunk even, where it will be hotter!
I suggest you take out all the Sees, eat them on the way, sharing with the caregivers.
Replace the Sees in the box by unwrapping cheap candy, spreading it around-making sure the Sees papers are back in there, and the candy makes a melted hot mess!
Most brothers would eat it keep it edible, at least, can you?

That was over-the-top-sick, right?

Did someone on here have a recipe to b l e a c h our brains?......

If only I had time to go to the grocery store
As it is I'd better go shower
Have to be at hoca in 45 min!

Did not put my jammies on.
Slept in my clothes.
Such a bad example!

There is a serious lack of chocolate around here. Starting to get worried.

Searching for ways to behave badly....I am not sure I agree that the lottery is gambling.
Or bingo, or church poker for charity. Well, I put my jammies on, and before sleep, was wondering what others thought about this. Should a christian gamble, play the lottery?
What do you say? What does your church say?
Is the lottery really to fund education?

I am armed with chocolate on here tonight.......

Of course the lottery is gambling!

Here, I stake my dollar on these five particular numbers being selected at random from a possible several million combinations. If they are, I win the life of my dreams. If not, I lose my money. Again. Poo.

But at least I support some good causes :)

I don't remember our Lord mentioning the lottery in the Sermon on the Mount, and I can't offhand recall any bits in Leviticus or Deuteronomy either (ha! Like I would...). So I don't think gambling is a sin in a religious sense. But it is certainly a social ill, is the trouble. Treat it like alcohol. A flutter is fun. If you can't afford to waste the stake, or you start caring too much about the outcome - stop.

It's easier for people if they don't have to stop, on account of there being no such thing as gambling. When the UK government introduced our national lottery I was scandalised. It is a scandal, it's like them opening a chain of high street booze stores. Before that we just had premium bonds, which I look on much more fondly. They're a saving scheme - you buy your bonds, then every month they have a lottery, and the winners win the interest on the whole fund divided up into prizes, mostly little ones, £25 here or there. But you don't lose your stake; and famously your chances of winning are good enough for this to work out as a perfectly respectable means of earning interest on your savings, as good as many a traditional investment account.

It always makes me picture some government economist pitching the idea to a departmental board meeting, with his eyes gleaming behind his glasses, and saying "won't this be exciting!"

One more hand of online poker and then it's lights out

PS horse racing is a sport

I think if you eat enough chocolate while betting on a horse, it is called lunch instead of gambling.

Without the lottery how can we aspire to become millionaires?

As for those charity lotteries, I inwardly roll my eyes whenever anyone tries to tell me they are buying tickets to support the cause. If you truly want to do that then just make a straightforward donation.

Yes, because the straight charitable donation is tax deductible and the purchase of a raffle ticket to win a new car isn't

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