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Too bad in n out doesn't deliver

Maybe Grubhub will pick some up! Wouldn't that just be so very wonderful!!
Grubhub goes to restaurants, picks up your order from online, and delivers it to your home. In our area!

Great idea, MsMadge. I will let you know in a few days.

Great new avatar Send

Thank you MsMadge!
But did you notice? All the caregivers in the group hug
do not have any legs. Or feet.
That must be because we really cannot run away, I am guessing.

I remember the days of grocery shopping for myself and my Mom. I don't drive so I used one of those little pull cart things. I'd put my stuff on the bottom and Mom's on the top and then what should be a ten minute walk to her place which sometimes took longer hauling all that stuff. I remember one time I was halfway to her place and started losing my breath which led to a near panic attack. I ended up phoning a cab. I never let on to Mom though. Just walked in all cheerily as if nothing had happened.

Hubs always makes the same stupid joke when we go grocery shopping. They ask us if we want to use any of our Save On More points. He always says"Nope, saving up for that yacht" yuk, yuk, yuk. Then when we only have one small bag he always says "We're gonna need some help getting this to the car" yuk, yuk yuk. Sigh..............!

Triple digit heat heading to Southern California tomorrow thru Tuesday- what happened to June gloom?

Run run run runaway 

Us to MsMadge here in central California with Wednesday being the hottest of 114.


Wow, I was rude, fell asleep on my brat buddies. Apologies. What happened?

Re-checked weather this morning, 95 and 99 in So-Cal where you and I live, respectively. (means me 99, you and my other 3 friends, 95.
Wondering what's it like in Malibu?

95 is bad enough but normal daily here in July for central cal. Today is expected 101 and Idaho is about 15 degrees cooler. I say make a tall cold glass of lemonade and sit in a tub of cold water, lol!!!

Gershun, thanks for the laugh about what hubby says at the grocery store... LOL :]

I have to preface this by saying i feel kind of bad. When I went to the NH this afternoon they were working short staffed again and everyone was looking frazzled, so I decided to stay with mom and help her with her meal. (This not only gets brownie points by freeing up staff to help some of the others but also ensures she actually gets fed.)
So they were serving a nice looking turkey stew, but when mom's table got theirs it was a strange grainy reddish brown mess of something, so I asked if they were not getting the turkey? We were assured it WAS turkey stew, just made from a different recipe for the pureed diet. First off, this dry, grainy mixture with chunks of something in it was NOT suitable for a pureed diet, but I shrugged my shoulders and decided to try a forkful myself.... unfortunately the server saw and asked me how it tasted. I asked her if she really, honestly wanted to know. She said yes, so I told her. Then I found out she was the cook :(
I'm not normally a rude person but OMG! How could she not know that my answer to question would end badly? It looked and tasted like the kitchen cut costs by scraping every dried out bit of leftovers for the week into a pot and then mincing it. She was obviously taken aback, but it is 2 hours later and I am still shuddering over not only the taste, but the horrible grainy little bits of mystery meat.

Cwillie, Did you make the cook eat it?

I hope you don't feel badly about offending the cook ?
Did she offer up an alternative?

I'm so sorry for you and your mom

But I do feel bad for offending her. She asked and I was very rude, I told her I wouldn't feed it to my dog. She looked like I kicked her, she was obviously not expecting that answer. The thing is, it was the truth, and the texture of the meal was also totally inappropriate for the modified diets, the pureed was actually closer to minced (and dry to boot, I asked for gravy), the minced was really just coarsely diced (also dry). That's mostly why I agreed to a pureed diet for mom, I figured better to err on the side of safety.

Good for you cwillie,just being honest,saying the truth.You have to stand up for her and you did-

I would feel bad, too, CW. But... sometimes a little prick of pain is what gets our attention. If the pureed food is disgusting, it's not doing the elderly residents any favors, so maybe there will be some consideration in Cook's brain about how to change it for the better. Or not. M. Cook very well could've, should've tasted their own creations long ago, so if they think the current menu is "good enough" then... they probably didn't need a mouthful of truth to help them see the light. Well. Can't blame yourself for reacting the way you did. You've long felt that food was sub par, haven't you? So what do you do if you don't tell them that? Just keep being frustrated that they're feeding your mom this slop?

Reminds me of my situation with the yard service I have for mowing the grass here. It's a great service and very inexpensive, but they cut the grass far too short and their idea of "edging" the yard is to dig 3 inch wide trenches into the mud all around the grass area. I have worked long and hard to FIX the grass here -- I'm not going to pay anyone to screw it up. Every year I've had them (on and off), I've had to tell them DON'T DIG THE EDGE with a weed whacker and let the grass grow some before you shave it down to the root! You would think people doing yard service would know such things...

And you would think Cook knows when food is yucky...

But apparently, they don't know. :-)

C Willie I think it's good you were honest with the cook. Elderly people have standards too, even if they can't voice them. I'd love it if one day elderly people were treated with the respect they deserve, this includes a decent, good tasting meal.

When people on t.v. talk about minorities and rights they should start including elderly people in their debates and panel discussions etc, etc. I know elderly people if you were to ask them probably don't want to be referred to as minorities but if they are being treated as such..............well if the shoe fits right?

Took mom to the dr yesterday and as we were stopped at a signal I noticed the driver of the car next to us was waving so I look closer and it was an aide from the hotel California so I told mom to wave back - She of course wants to know who it is so I tell her just wave

Then I notice the aide has her little girl in the front seat - hmm
I decide to roll down mom's window and say she should be in the back seat - of course she had to take her earplugs out to hear me

It's getting so your Mom cannot take you anywhere! Lol.
It was said that a driver turned on their windshield wipers and the neighboring truck's driver next to them shot at them! That is nearby where I live.

But don't worry, that caregiver probably won't shoot you, she will just quit like all the others !!! joking. Lol.

I think we all need new shoes, so we can get more respect around here!

I know, Cwillie, give the cook an apology package of meat from that special butcher shop nearby...chopped liver?  Or,  she can fry up some cows brains....
See how well she can cook that.

Yes, Send or maybe make some humble pie or maybe eat crow.............hmmm yeah!


Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie

Oh CW, I feel for you. It perhaps won't surprise you to know that I have done that sort of thing myself, and felt a total heel for it afterwards.

The thing is, you were right to be angry and right to be honest; it's just unfortunate that she approached you unawares and so got a sharper (or let's face it devastating) answer than she was expecting.

See if you can see her discreetly, apologise for hurting her feelings and explain that she caught you at the very moment you were frantic about getting your mother's diet just right, and you hope she understands the stress. Good ol' stress, it's the best scapegoat in the world sometimes!

I think maybe less said soonest mended. Although I would love an opportunity to hear the gossip about the incident from the other staff because they were questioning what the heck was going on with the meal too, it just was so obviously different from the regular stew. Cook was trying to explain to them why she couldn't just modify the normal food but had cooked up something "special" for the modified diets. So she actually put in extra work to come up with that mess. 🙄

WhenI took my mom upstairs after dinner I noticed that her shoes were on the wrong feet, mom has big bunions and narrow shoes, I'm not even sure how they accomplished that. I desperately wanted to point that out to someone, but I thought I had probably used up my quota of snark for the day... lol

Well done CW I am all for complaining. I support you 100% Mom could not possibly or safely eat the stuff served up. I threatened to throw my tray in the hall if they served up the same thing again. They served mushroom soup that tasted like wallpaper paste and their idea of a sandwich was deli meat slapped between two slices of dry bread.
Miss Madge you are a hoot keep up the good work. Poor Mom could she walk in those shoes. Maybe mark L and R on them!!!!!!

Won't be home tomorrow. Wouldn't it be funny if I published our phone and about 50+ Caregivers phoned dH to remind him, minute-by-minute, how to leave for work on time? Lol.
He actually does fine most times, but Friday when I got home he was sleeping while needing to be on the road to work. Hmmmmn. If I wasn't all knowing, all seeing (NOT)
when it comes to him, I would not have come straight home and he'd be late for work.
Always hypervigilant here.......sheesh.

@ MsMadge, 24 hrs. ago..
Have you ever read the book:
Chris Roberts, the author of Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind the Rhyme.

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