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My e-mails from AC were asking: "Can you help this caregiver?"
For the last few days, there has been an invalid request interrupting my posts. Where is this invalid? Is it someone who's fallen and cannot get up? Is the invalid trying to reach anyone else with a request? What does the invalid want? Starting to get worried now, it's been over ten minutes! More like 3 days!!

The invalid is here is my bedroom Send and it's my dH.Talk about a Baby!He hurt his arm,he says swinging the golf club and he's been broken all weekend because off it.All he CAn do is switch the channels on his Tv and eat....and whine,whine,whine.

No worries, Lu! The physical therapist can take care of him, so you just toddle off to bed and protect your back from over-exertion. So sorry that happened to hubs, do you need some ear plugs???

Maybe suggest some acupuncture for hubs - a sewing needle might work until he can get an appointment

Nobody is gonna's not like he deserves it or anything. Wait up Lu, there is no way MsMadge is suggesting a crochet needle, she said a sewing needle!
Be sure to sterilize it-get a new one-don't use an old one that was used on some boil because you just cannot sterilize that off. imo.
However, do find the longest needle possible for acupuncture. 

Thanks MsMadge and Iv'e got cotton balls for my ears Send but is it safe to stick Mom's old sewing needles in his forehead?

One really has to know a little anatomy before trying this at home.
I think the nerves from the shoulder on down are contiguous with the buttocks, so stick the needle in his butt.

Be sure to use alcohol.

There's plenty of sewing needles here to pick from but the Yarn Darners look the longest although the Singer machine needle is nice and thick and then there's a 3 inch many choices and dear dH is sound asleep...Do you think it will wake him up?

Do you suggest Jim Beam or Johnny Walker?

Whatever you choose, make sure it's 100 percent.
Or is that 100 proof, I don't know.
Do you know MsMadge?
Maybe Ali will know if she's lurking around again tonite.
Gershun, are you there? Ask your dH to ask his Dad, the doctor. Is there a doctor in the house? How long are the needles?

Maybe we all need a little more dH lying face up, or face down?

Disclaimer. Disclaimer. Disclaimer.

He's on his back,mouth hanging open,and snoring.

Just get any old needle Lu. DH's dad is a newly retired doctor who should have retired years ago in my humble opinion. Doesn't believe in anything that is unconventional medicine. When Hubs said he was depressed he would say "drink some orange juice and go do toilet" He is East Indian and in their household that's how they say go to the washroom.
Go do toilet.

So Lucky, maybe just give your hubs an orange juice enema and then send him to "do toilet" :)

Yes, that rx might be the cure.
Constipation has always been blamed for bad moods.....
that is why Moms give their children castor oil to keep them regular.
Oranges are also known to be 'the good mood food'.

I was too lit on the Jim Beam,because I never drink but I tried to get the needles in and he was too hardheaded and I couldn't get 1 to penetrate his thick skull and he woke up and didn't think it was funny at all and he sure didn't want an orange juice
enema,but he did "do toilet" so constipation doesn't seem to be his cause.Thank you all for your kind suggestions though.

I was very bad this afternoon. I ran hubby over with one of the electric carts in the supermarket. He thought it would be a good idea for me to go shopping as I haven't been to the store for about 6 weeks with 2 broken hips.
Well he had parked too close to the next car and I squeezed the forward button and jammed into the our door and the neighboring car. DH trip to stop me and got pause over. Fortunately only pride was hurt and the other car owner did not care as the car was 14 years old

Me too! Was so tired of hubs standing in the way of where I want to go in the cart, then warning him to get out of the way cause I am going in that direction....well, now I have him hopping around to avoid me; or else I send him away with his own cart on an errand.
Key is: We just stay too long at the market and to decrease my stress, we should leave sooner, even if we don't have everything.
Your hubs does sound like he cares...(about getting help with grocery shopping?) .

Grocery shopping is a pain even when you are able bodied in my opinion. One of my least favorite things to do.

Me too, I'd rather do any else but go to the grocery store.

I'd rather go grocery shopping than clean the bathroom

I'd rather clean the bathroom than visit my in-laws...

At the checkstand, I have started to get panicky, everyone asking questions, hubs disappearing to get the forgotten bags, and me in pain from my leg. It is just too much....eating out more often when I want to eat healthier
at home.
I would run away, but what am I going to do, limp away?
Where would I go?

Run away on one of those electric carts in the store. Do what my sister did one time, call the grocery store ask if you give them a list over the phone will they put it together for you and drive to the store and have hubby put it in the car. Pay over the phone with your card. Some grocery stores will actually deliver too. Z

Thanks, what good ideas!
Starting to understand just now, that leaving dH out of some trips to the store when feeling better, it is so much less upsetting.
Then the opposite is true. He goes in to shop, I wait in the car. For a very long time, I am waiting, waiting, waiting.

Send , not all wal-marts but some areas have curb to car service where they meet you in the parking lot and load it for you. Safeway has online shopping you can do and they deliver it. Save Mart is the store my sister called (my old employer), they were more than happy to accommodate my sister plus they said they would deliver it to no problem. You have others in So Cal, Ralph's etc so call around. Good Luck my dear.

Send, your hubs can only manage so much stimulation with the Asperger's and gets caught up in the details. My son can only manage the fluorescent lights, noise, temp changes and so forth for short periods. I started ordering hard goods (supplements, etc.) on Amazon for home delivery. I have friends who do the order and curbside with small children. You have to minimize your stress and recognize that their limits are not always manageable or do they see them...

I use Peapod for grocery shopping, been using it for almost 2 years now. What a life saver. Got to a point where I just couldn't do grocery shopping for myself and for my parents. Tried the two cart thing, but didn't work well, was putting grocery items in the wrong cart :P Then I tried shopping 2 days per week... so tiring... got to a point where I hated grocery shopping.

Then along came Peapod... BRAVO!! I went on-line and ordered my groceries and then ordered my parents groceries. On Saturday [you can pick what day you want] I would drive up to the grocery store that is in partnership with Peapod, and the employees would load my car. Or you can have home delivery. Yes, there is a delivery fee. Pickup fee was only $2.95, well worth it.

Knock on wood, every week for 2 years I rarely had a problem with Peapod.

I also can't deal with fluorescent lights more so when one is flickering, I tend to lock onto that one light.  I will walk out of a store if I even see one :(  My sig other just can't understand.... [sigh]

Awesome ideas ladies!!! Just for food, you can also use Hello Fresh and Blue Apron. This is an online business. It is all fresh food, you can pick your menu and it is delivered to your door weekly or whatever option you choose. Many of the young couples do this because the veggies are fresh and it comes in complete meals you just cook. I may check into this myself when we first move to Idaho just to save some time while setting up the house.

Thanks everyone! It is so nice to be known and understood by you, especially when I feel like it would be impossible for me to box my way out of a paper bag.
Viewing this from a perspective that I need to protect hubs from too much over-stimulation and too much time at the store helps.
Really appreciate all the responses, and conversation-and agree-grocery shopping is not my favorite outing.
No worries though, we have never gone hungry or without food at all. DH is hoarding cans, becoming quite unmanageable in our small space. I have got to get on top of this! And I will.

P.S. There is a recall on Chef Boyardee and other similar pastas in a can.

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