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Cash buyers, foreign entities and investors can be heartless, as well as persons investing to flip the house for a profit.
My buyers offered 50k over the asking price. I so wanted to sell to someone really wanting, needing the condo, but even in my case, it would have been foolish to turn down $50 k. I will always remember the betrayal and having to be like a homeless person overnight, or until the check cleared my bank.
Even begging my own bank for a cash advance on the check to pay for a hotel. Meh.

Investors want cheap so they can flip it or rent out. Our agent will be here too tomorrow. This investor may counter offer, hubs is willing to accept lower than our counter offer. He just wants it done fast, lol!!

Jumping in here, Sharyn. If we're you I would arrange to be gone for this showing. And I would leave at least an hour before they are scheduled to be there. I have a hunch the investor will point everything out that another buyer will not like about the house. He will make you feel like what you are asking is way to much for the Area. Remember they would not have made an offer so quickly if this were true. And if you happen to be there, but do not, stay away from them. It is a game they play to buy homes and get them by making an owner feel bad about their home. Be very, very careful. And do.not get emotional. It may very well be a showing that will depress you, start second guessing yourself, and just feel planing bad.

One other offer I got was 100k below asking price, I did not even bother to counter that one.

Good idea Glad.
Be gone and don't leave any electronics or valuables lying around.
Your realtor will set the stage.
Bye, have a nice breakfast out while you think about raising the price $7,000.
(At least for this buyer).
It won't hurt to look the realtor in the eye as you leave, and say, "This is too hard, after today we are thinking of taking it off the market until we move!",
The things people say!

Glad, I agree. I plan to have hubs go in the back yard with me because I figure he will tear it apart. As I already told the Re agent, we are asking below market value to adjust for the new roof, every thing else is cosmetics that are of personal taste. Hubs is not a negotiator, he accepts whatever he is told just like when buying a car. He doesn't want to put the time in to play the negotiating game. I have to be at work at 1 pm and they are coming at 12pm. I will not let them pressure me to accept an offer immediately. When we sold my mom's house, the first person who looked at it, low balled us because my parents converted the garage to a family room. My sis called me at work saying we have this offer, I said no it is too low. She said but they are right, there is no garage. I told her I can't talk now while at work. Lol!! We got in a big fight because she wanted me to discuss it. I will call you in the morning and we will discuss it then. We do not have to answer them now. We countered back the next day which they refused and decided on something else with a garage. In the end, we got a good cash offer by an older couple who renovated it with upgrades of their choice. My house needs some work, however, it is not inhabitable. Just because property brothers do this or that or say this or is a tv  show aimed at getting ratings and to impress you with their good looks.  My parents house was in excellent condition except for needing a new A/c. 

It is stressful going through this but I need hubs to understand that I am going to accept a low ball offer just so we can go to Idaho next next with everything here in California completed except for the moving. I can put $15,000 in upgrades myself. This is a starter home, granite counter tops and high quality flooring are nice, but for a starter neighborhood, a person can over do the upgrades and not get their money's worth when selling. The house that sold in march, needed work and sold in 16 days cash for more than what this guy is offering. The person who bought this home, renovated it and now has it on market for more than what the neighborhood warrants with no offers.

Before setting the selling price for any property ask your Realtor for at least half a dozen similar homes in your area, how long they were on the market and asking and selling prices

Sharyn, I thought you were afraid hubs would accept a low ball. If it were ma I would not be there. You and hubs could meet for lunch before work. If there you will be brought into the discussion, no doubt.

Even when I have listed houses my agent wanted me to go somewhere else. It is better for all concerned especially the seller.

Glad, I am afraid he will accept a ball offer. The house is not officially listed for sale and re agent has no key to get in without us being there.

Veronica, we have seen the comps for the neighborhood. This investor can make up to 40,000 profit accepting our offer.

Yes, it will probably depress me to hear what the investor will say. We can't just leave for this viewing as stated above. This is why I see red flags in this viewing plus the agent texting me late last night and saying the guy wants to see it before 2pm today. Of course our offer may expire by that time, but coming over just before I have to go to work is stressful as I do feel put on the spot. I wanted more done. Hubs doesn't care what the house looks like, not to criticize him or blame him. He is a simple man who is content anywhere.

My boo boo, I am not going to accept a low ball offer, lol!! 7 am here, I might as well get started again, so much for sleeping, it is over rated, lol!!

SOLD, not signed and sealed yet, tomorrow or Monday.

Great News Sharyn! And you didn't even need to behave badly!

I actually read on here way back now, that a buyer did construction on a house while the seller lived there. omg. Not to take away from your joyful success...but....the buyer ended up sueing the seller for the constuction bill-or something like that, and not closing escrow.

Just be sure the buyer is doing the roofing work on a house he already owns, after close of escrow! Wow, there are so many scenarios-should I look that one up?

Moving is a good thing! I can hardly wait until you give them notice at work!  
The best revenge is living well.

Will the roofing be permitted, have a permit I mean?

Wow, again, Sharyn. Hope all goes smoothly.

I spent all day with so much anxiety. Now after reading your post, Send, I am now concerned. I have trust issues to begin with lol!! I will have to research this. This is cash, no escrow, and anytime construction is done, a permit is needed. 

Wow, I was so exhausted last night from all the excitement about our house and from working. I went to bed at 12:30am and woke up at 10:45, lol!!

Send, sorry I got so spooked last night. After some sleep and thinking it through, there will be a 15 day waiting period before we are paid. It will be a transfer of ownership with escrow.

Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mom's !!

Wow, great news SharynM! I do hope everything goes smoothly and seamlessly, and soon you two will be on your way towards your new place, close to your Dd and Grandies! It's all working out!

As I post this message, my Son and hubby are moving my FIL's furniture to his new Assisted living place! WhooHoo, and better Mother's Day gift, I could not have receive!

FIL has repeatedly gotten up from his chair, trying to coordinate the move, but hubby has shut him down, saying he has thought this move through, and everything will be all set up, once he arrives there tomorrow, his first day/night of living there, so BACK OFF! LOL!

Dust, Dust, and More Dust! No matter how many times I had offered to clean my FIL'S bedroom here, he refused, and now I know why! He had been hiding gross things under his bed, YUCK, and the amount of dust is choking! The most he would ever allow me to do was to vacuum the perimeter of his bed, change his bedding, and do his laundry, so we will have our work cut out for us once he is settled, and all the rest can be dumped or donated, as there is no way I am bringing Any of his old things to My new home!

I hope you all ready having a pleasant Mother's Day!

I postponed any celebrations with my kids, until next weekend, where both Son and Daughter are taking me to lunch and to see the new Goldie Hawn movie SNATCHED! Today was just too busy to fit in any fun things.

Life is changing her in Stacey's world, for sure! No more, will I have to "bag out" or leave early, from wonderful family enjoyment time, as my FIL will be safe and sound, and comfortable at his new place! I only wish our own house was all ready to sell, SOLD, and us settled in our New Place! Hopefully it will be on the market by mid June!

I have been scouring the Internet for Condo's, but we aren't in a place to pull the trigger on buying the next place, until our house does sell.

The good thing is, that there are no other nice ramblers with a decent sized yard on the market where we live, in a city just a couple of miles north of Seattle. Realtors whom we have spoken with have told us that it should sell within a couple of days, and probably with multiple offers, as nice sized ramblers are desirable, and ours is actually quite nice, except the kitchen is due for a remodel, though still attractive and functional. There's no way we are spending good money over bad, remodeling the kitchen, as who knows what the next buyer might like it to do with it? Not even sure if we will re-carpet at this point, but will definitely have the carpets professionally cleaned, if we don't.

We're up to our eyes painting and boxing up our personal items, the entire garage, and all my Nic-Knaks, to make the house (eventually) impersonal, so that the new buyers can see themselves living there! That's the way to do it, so "they" say, Lol!

It's all such a game, these real estate transactions, and I thought that This would be my "forever home", but I guess not!

We are intending to be road trip ready at any moment! Stop the mail, jump in the car and GO!
It's been so long since we have had more than one night away together,
I can't even remember!

I intend to be BEHAVING REALLY BADLY, here SOON!

Love to you All! Stace

Stacey, great news with you as well. You and hubby wil have great relief with fil's move. Concentrate on your lives together!!! I am so happy for you and look at your hubby with shutting his dad down....necessary but a little caregiver behaving badly, it's rubbing off on him, lol!!! Enjoy your Mother's Day!!

Oh Stacey! Big stuff on the horizon. Dreams really do come true. 😃

And the move is good for FIL, too. Whether he knows it or not!

And maybe new carpet and fresh paint for his bedroom, eh?!

And the right place for you & hubby will come along at the right time. Keep us posted!

SharynM, my hubby is definitely a Caregiver Behaving Badly these past few days! He been extra grumpy, with so much on his mind, as have I! One would think he would be jumping for joy,with the realization that just one more thing, is nearly "ticked off" our list of things that need to be completed, before we too, get to sell our home like you have done. Yay Girl!

Isn't it exciting, all these things we are changing, to better and enhance our lives, allowing us more free time, to spend with our LO's? There have been so many times that we were unable to enjoy seeing our Grandson play at soccer and now Baseball games. It's either my husband or I, that had to take it in turns going to see him, and our Son with the 2 kids, lives 45 minutes away, so having the both of us gone for 4 or more hours, just wasn't feasible, in the leaving and caring for our Dad. But now, he'll have a emergency pendant, and be very close to the main entrance, the dining hall, Nurses station, gym, and the activities room, and even a SportsMovie room with a great big TV, and hundreds of movies,band I understand that many of the men there congregate there to watch football, basketball and baseball on TV, and they bring in Munchies for them, plus there is a lovely garden courtyard, where he will be able to sit outside in the sun or shade.

We are so happy with our choice of Assisted living places! The people there are so nice, it's cozy and comfortable, only 3 minutes from our current house, and we do actually plan on buying a Condo nearby, so we will have easy access to him, all our kids, the waterfront, the mountains, and all that we have grown up being close to and accustomed to. We like it here, its very beautiful here, and actually, we both grew up within only a couple miles of here.

It's funny really, if we didn't have these deep roots to this area, I would Still probably choose to live right here! But we have many plans to travel, both near and far, once we are settled once more!

I Am Really Curious though, to find out how life Will Be, with only hubby and I, as we have Never not had someone dependant on us for their basic needs, raising our kids, caring for ailing parents, and my FIL all these years! Whatever will we do with ourselves? Lol!

I guess we will find out! It's like when you find yourselves both suddenly retired, and have to learn how to spend your time with just each other 24/7!
I know that some people don't do well, or that there is a steep learning curve, each deciding what hobbies and activities to do separately and together.

My husband has always been a lone wolf, few real friends, and burying himself in our kids lives, mine, his parents and my family, which is actually quite large, but still, he's always enjoyed working in the yard and on his project cars, so most definitely, we will need a little garden area, and a garage in our next place.

What I don't want, is him having nothing to do, and him sitting around all day, watching TV! I actually hate having the TV on during the day time, so hopefully, once we're settled, we can go back to the way it used to be, with the music on, and us dancing and singing, like in the old days! Of Course my Charlie-girl will be barking, anytime my husband touches me, she's so darn protective, and/or jealous! She has to get her kisses in too! Lol!

So completely Thrilled for you SharynM, WE ARE BOTH ON OUR WAY TO NEW ADVENTURES!!! Waahoo!!!

Blackmore, thank you for your kind words and encouragement!

Send, I hope your back is feeling better!

Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!

My FIL is sitting in his old TV room. I had to put one of my livingroom chairs in there for just this one day before the final "move in" tomorrow, and he is being an armchair quarterback, reminding me of this and that to bring, and what other things he'll need in Assisted living. There are still lots of little things that need to be taken over, his personal effects and all.

He's just TOLD ME, that whatever I do, DO NOT give away the huge oak dining room set, that he brought with him when he moved in! I most definitely do not want it when we move, but he is insisting that it cost him a FORTUNE, and that We will need it to host family dinners on. I told him that the new place we end up in, will be much smaller and more manageable for just the two of us, and that I hope NOT to have to do Any More Big Family Holiday dinners Anymore, as isn't that why we had 4 kids for in the first place? Lol! So that they can Host US, now that they all have homes of their own?

I wasn't about to engage him on this, but that huge dining set is Gone Gone Gone! He fails to remember that I had to give up my new dining room set that I loved, just to appease him, when he moved in, so as to make him feel more at home. I am keeping the beautiful glass cabinet that he brought though, but will be filling it with My
Own Collectibles! Oh the things we gave up, when he moved in, just to make him feel at home!

He's not shown one ounce of appreciation for all of the hard work my husband and I have done for him all these years, or my husband and Son moving all this heavy furniture of his to his new place! It's a shame really, he is So self absorbed, ever the Narcissist! It's all about him, Really!

Oh Life is about to CHANGE for the Better! Thanks to all of you for your friendship, your encouragement, and always being there for me when I was feeling down! This is Really HAPPENING! WHOHOO!

Don't worry,  I'm not leaving this site though, as you all men So much to Me!  I do know that our caregiving duties are not over yet.  This may likely be a stop gap to his next home, probably a nursing home,  but for now and hopefully the foreseeable future,  he will be well cared for, safe, well fed and begin being sociable with other seniors at the new place!  And that will release at least Some of our duties to him, and alow us to have a more normal Son/DIL/Dad relationship!   

At least he seems happy to move forward into His new life too, as it could have been so much worse,  with him kicking and screaming!  But honestly,  he's looking forward to going tomorrow.  It helped to have all our kids and us, discussing it for the past few months, with them all being positive,  and reassuring him that they will all be popping in to visit with him.  Ironically,  my eldest sister's MIL, is moving into the apartment right next door to him TODAY, with the actual move in set for tomorrow too! Now how weird is that?     I guess it's new adventures for us all! 

The meaning of the "Golden toilet" was a private joke for Gershun, to say that all we ever need in a house is a working toilet and an air conditioner in the throne room.

Now I have been made aware of many more uses for the golden toilet avatar! A greeting card with a golden toilet, you open it and reads:
Congratulations on a smooth move! (For those selling their homes), or (moving their fil into Assisted living.). LOL!

Very funny Golden...what you said...did not associate your screen name with a golden toilet. Lol.

Am I now just a silly goose that layed the golden egg?

Stacey!  Your Fil and your sister's Mil are now neighbors?  That must be a great AL!  Is  this the newly built AL you chose? 

Yes, both by side , room 54 and 55! The Assisted living place is an older place, a former Nursing home, all remodeled, and second floor added. I really like the place, and I know he will too, and only 74 residents, so fairly small! 

The Only problem that I forsee, is that my Sister's MIL, is as deaf as a doorknob, and I hope she doesn't have her TV blaring loud day and night! Otherwise, the two of them do know each other,and I forsee the two of the buddying up, and watching sports programs together, as she loves sports too! Also, I know that any family members that visits the one, will pop in on the other, as they all know them, as both have been involved in 32-44 years of many, many family gatherings over the years, and all our families know them both.

These 2 are the last remaining ELDERS in our family, both 87 years old and still kicking! 

So Weird that they both ended up in the same place at the exact same day! Now that shows you how close our family Really is! Lol! My sister and I have been plotting this for weeks now! Lol! There is a method to our madness!

Stacey, it sounds like a great place fil will like knowing someone too. Enjoy the new found freedom to spend with the grandies.

I am excited to do the same. Going to Idaho on Wednesday and with getting paperwork to show our house has sold will be a bonus with builders. Back to work, enjoy your Mother's Day!!!!

Stacey, you sound so excited. A long time coming for you and hope all works out to the best of you wishes and expectations.

Well yesterday [yes Mother's Day] I replaced two toilet seats, it went pretty easy. But I refused to even go into my sig other's bathroom, my gosh I have seen gas station bathrooms that looked cleaner :P

Apparently sig other had never replaced a toilet seat in his life. Seriously? He wants me to guide him on Seat Replacement 101. I know this will turn into a row as he has very little patience. I know it would be easier for me to just do it, but I can't find a hazmat suit that will fit me.

Thank you all who have supported me through this pain. There is a change, slight improvement, decrease overall to an 8 on the scale. We bought new pillows today, and started juicing celery each a.m. for 7 days to improve gerd symptoms. Even though there will be acute episodes, at least it is now almost tolerable for a few hours each day, on and off.
Had a good morning after 7 hours sleep, but I think now my day is done.
I so much appreciate you all!

DOGS. Today at costco there were 3 big dogs on a leash. Friendly, all three.
Jumped up to gently hug and one even kissed me! Well-behaved, permission given, we were having a moment. They took turns. Best hugs ever. Pretty cuddly for strangers too! Well, they liked me, and I liked them.

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