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No wonder your avatar looks so yummy...It''s a See's Easter Egg...Now I gotta get out to the mall and get one too Send and you started it MsMadge!

I admit it is a rather obscure quote and after I posted noticed I couldn't find it online

Wanna hint?

Big hint please. Where are all the movie buffs? Who was the actor who said it? What was the year? Dh doesn't know either.

Luckylu, got my egg, the smaller, dark chocolate buttercream. Saved money by getting other buttercream pieces, same recipe. My egg has a yellow flower. I won't be eating it until Easter. The candies I did eat, well, all at once......

Did Gershun get back from the store last night? What kind of chocolate?
There was cocoa (hot chocolate) on sale, $1 for a package of 4-6.

What with all that chocolate, oldies music really loud, hubs and I danced today.
His palms flashed sweet.

Debbie Reynolds

No Send, I resisted my chocolate urge. After all the whining I did about it yesterday, funnily enough, I had to desire for it today. No, we don't have See's candy here, but we have Purdy's and Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory and a slew of others. H*ll, I just to the local supermarket and get myself a family sized Cadbury bar and I'm good to go. Hubs always says that should last you a week. Har de har har. Not me. I've been know to eat a whole family size bar in one sitting. Of course, then I eat nothing but salad and fruit for the next 6 days.

In answer to your question, my other kitties name is Henrick. Hockey is really big here in the great white north and my home town hockey team has a pair of swedish twins named Henrick and Daniel Sedin. Not only are they great hockey players but they are super great examples of athletes giving back to the community. One of them donated a million dollars to our Children's hospital and they bought one of those suites they have at all sports stadiums and they invite underprivileged, sick kids to use them free for hockey games. Our team isn't doing great this year but Daniel and Henrick Sedin are stand up guys in every respect. So thus the reason I named my two kitties after them.

Researchers at Yale have found that 80% of competitive marathon runners suffer kidney injury because of dehydration that took two days to heal. They are concerned about the long-term impact and will be looking into that next.

Well, phew, thank goodness I read this article! Better hold off on my marathon training until they know more, I think, hem-hem...

Thanks, CM. I have taken off my running shoes.

I did a half marathon once - that was more than 20 years ago and ended my enjoyment of jogging

Taking the nuclear option, I have taken off my dancing shoes, will never eat kidney beans again, now I've got to sit down.

Gershun, thanks for that enjoyable story of how you named your cats.

MsMadge, my dH thinks he knows the movie quote, but I have a sinking feeling no one else does. It may be more difficult because it is in the words to a song?

Unsinkable Molly Brown???

Youngest daughter is a marathon runner and has had ankle and knee problems but I think keeps herself well hydrated.
can you run (walk) a marathon with a walker?

Only you could V. And you would win any marathon, imo.
But you would need some really good shoes!

For me, chocolate gives me acid reflux... but I still eat it :)

Me too,  g.e.r.d.

LOL Send you are so funny. I am beginning to feel like the exact opposite of a narcissist is a narcissist. An extreme need to make people happy can be insulting to some People.

So is it? Is the quote from The Unsinkable Molly Brown? I hadn't heard that title/phrase in years (TUMB was before my time but I know I've seen it once...).

I like this quote I came across while fishing around for that catfish line.

"My question is, if you die when you're fat, are you a fat ghost? Or do they go back to a flattering time?"

It's not from a movie, but it's a good question for the ages, if you ask me.

“If I gotta eat catfish heads all my life, can't I have 'em off a plate once.”. The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Love that movie.

Winner winner

Why Mr Vandergelder

Is everyone sleeping PT or just waking up ET.... can't sleep watching AM Style on QVC

Late Last night at Friday night fiesta at the hotel California while munching in n out burgers, mom said I was going to put on weight eating that kind of food, which is true but nevertheless - I point out to her that she's eating the same thing to which she replies but I'm not gaining any weight - really?
I remind her that she's having trouble hauling her bottom up out of the wheelchair - she then calls me an @$$#*&! and asks for candy

MsMadge, The credit goes to Caregiver2020, who answered ,
"The Unsinkable Molly Brown" a day ago.

What kind of candy did you give your Mom? If it weren't for your late night fiestas at HOCA, those residents would be lonely.

Ali, What if ths ghost never had a more flattering time?

Send good point!!! Not an expert on the spiritual world, however, when I had a visit from my mother back in October, she looked like she did just a few years earlier when she was whole, healthy. LOL!!! Maybe it depends of our visual perspective of the thoughts of the spiritual world.

Let's have a seance, Send you are our medium!!!

NO, NO, NO! That would be dangerous, imo, and against my faith in God.
That's ok, Sharyn, you say you are not an expert on the spiritual world.
Neither am I, but after reading 'Occult Invasion' by Dave Hunt, I know to avoid those practices.

I know little and am not too believing in mediums

Seance, Ouji boards, mediums..............all bad!

ditto Gershun, not good at all. I wouldnt even play like im playing with that kind of stuff.

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