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Always true to my nature, complete with major procrastination disorder, I may be looking forward to the adrenaline rush on April 15th, the late night ride to the main post office with my own hand-written form addressed with two stamps, and hubs riding along after plying him with an In N Out visit just for coming along. Ha ha, the midnight rider!

That would be behaving badly, right?

From what I understand, if a refund is due instead of owing money, one can file for an automatic extension. Yeah, if that is still possible, that is what I can do. Skipping the midnight ride this year.

So, what was happening at the hoca tonight?

Get some well deserved rest, okay?

Goodnight everyone!

Everyone but me.....
People know and understand drinking coffee at 10 p.m. is not a good idea if one needs to get some sleep. It was good though, a cafe` mocha, and a brownie! Got our shopping done at the creepy late-nite store, absolutely no one was in the check-out line just before midnight closing. Missed dinner because of the brownie..But then, talked to some wonderful people later,
some supportive and others needing support. 24/7 hours of amazing on here! Bedtime should be earlier tonight, really? Of course, I am an adult, can self-regulate my health, make wise choices, be responsible, and all that jazz.

Send, you reminded me of my 5am. walk the other night/morning. I went to this all night drugstore. The only people there were a security guard and one salesclerk who they had to page to come out to the checkout. It felt really weird to be walking up and down empty aisles with a security guard watching me like a hawk. Ended up getting cat food, chocolate bar and chips plus a carton of milk. Oh yes , and a t.v. guide. LOL

As a caregiver behaving badly,It makes me think of times when Mom was in the hospital and on the TV there at the hospital was a channel with the chapel in the hospital on it and I'd go to the chapel,up behind the podium and wave and from Mom's hospital bed,she could see me and we had some good laughs about that.

R u asleep Send?

Special memories Luckylu... we get to revisit them over and over.

Send I know you were up late last night, no coffee for you tonight. Sleep well!! Only going on 9pm for us in the pacific time zone so have a good night, I just shared some popcorn with Midget and Tiger.

Awake, watching t.v. Boring, might as well be asleep.

It's trash night so I decided I'd clear some past due items out of the cupboard - mainly stuff I bought for mom last year -
I wasn't in the mood to open cans and empty them so I just put them in the recycle bin full - whatever scavenger comes around to pick cans and bottles out of the trash is going to have a heavy load

Send, I was the same way last night. Couldn't find anything to watch that piqued my interest. Taming of the Shrew with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton was on last night, but not until 12:15am, and by that time, I was wiped out. I caught the first 5 minutes of it before I crashed.

Madge, I did that with the bathroom cabinet too - I hadn't touched it since I moved in, but after Mom passed away, I realized I was just avoiding the inevitable. It was hard, because Dad's cologne was in there, which brought back memories that were hard to deal with, but in the next moment, I was laughing because I found Mom's deodorant stick, which hadn't been used in YEARS. Literally, years - did you know deodorant turns BROWN if not used for several years? Gross, gross, gross. I had to laugh, though - only Mom would leave the deodorant in the cabinet but not use it, until it was so old it was ready to grow fur and walk away under its own steam. God forbid she should throw it away!

That's a coincidence, Susan! - I finally got round to watching a DVD of 'Becket' that had been sitting in the player for months - Richard Burton *and* Peter O'Toole, how could that not be fun?

Gosh, it was shocking. Terrible peace of tosh - I lost patience eventually and chucked the disc in the bin. Reminded me what a serious low point the seventies were culturally.

I am a brat. I made husband and FIL work on the financial banking work on Sunday that MIL and FIL were trying to get me to take over for them. His parents, his Financial POA, he can learn it...I would just get accused of doing it wrong anyway...

Brat because husband and FIL were just settling in to watch the race when we had gone up to see MIL and FIL to work on financials...hehe.

Guest, Thanks for joining in over here on the brat thread! Sometimes it takes bratty behaviors to hold your boundaries against toxic in-laws.
Appearing to be the bad-guy is often preferable to allowing them to use you up for their own conveniences.
You did good, he he!

In the middle of posting last night, I fell asleep with the page open. Thanks to all who reminded me about my need for sleep particularly last night.
You all are just like a bunch of mama hens sometimes-and I love you!

Sendhelp, oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one who fell asleep at my computer. Glad to know I am in good company :)

Are you awake?

MsMadge, when do you ever get a chance to sleep.....?

Those of us who act like brats don't get a lot of sleep because it takes extra time to think these things up and act out accordingly.
Has anyone else been falling asleep on the job?

MsMadge, I am awake now. So is Cwillie, and I'm thinking some others, like Churchmouse. (5:40 a.m. West Coast of California.) Hi Cwillie!

Cannot wait for daylight savings time, looking outside last night it was pitch black at 7 p.m. Move clocks forward 1 hour on Sunday, Mar. 12th.

Thanks FF, you are good company too, imo.

Maybe there should be a brats only roll call to see if anyone is left who can help lighten their own and others burdens by acting out? Or did you all join brats anonymous or something?

What would happen if I just moved my clocks forward now-and didn't tell hubs?

Don't do that Send he will want his dinner an hour earlier.

Gosh just fell asleep again.

Maybe I should look for a program that alarmed me every half hour.
No those brief naps provide very interesting dreams. So clear when I wake up I am not sure which world I am in.

Maybe I am hallucinating and not dreaming

we lose an hour of sleep this weekend?

I'm not sure it's bratty, but I know I quite often felt that when it came to caregiving I was definitely in the wrong job. Patient, cheerful, gentle, sweet, even-tempered..? Fail, fail, bare pass, fail, hopeless fail...

But that's nothing. My eye was caught by this sub-head on today's obituary page in the newspaper:

"ENIS TOGNI - Italian acrobat who was not fond of aerial work..."

What a misfortune in his choice of career, then, surely?

I had to read on. Snr Togni, who has died aged 83, was an acrobat, flying trapeze artiste and tiger trainer in his native Italy, and went on to become one of the most respected circus impresarios in Europe.

Born into a circus dynasty... made his show business debut at the age of eight... congratulated on his performance by General Rommel (?!)... an adept ground acrobat and springboard leaper, but fractured his foot...

...Joined in the family Togni's flying trapeze troupe, a spectacular act with nine participants, but he admitted that he was not fond of aerial work and in fact was fearful of heights...

Turning next to tiger-training... during a tour of Germany and Austria in 1957, one of his four tigers, named Bombay, killed another tiger in Munich.

Bombay went on to kill a substitute trainer, the unfortunate William Schaefer..."

Perhaps Enis could be reincarnated as an operatic tenor next time. Much safer for everyone.

I work Sat so instead of 12 I get to work 11 hours. Yayyyh. On another note I behaved very badly this week. seriously. I am sad to say but I had an argument with my sister which became physical. She asked for it. I have mentioned before that she believes I am on this vendetta to harm or kill my mother and take the house. She has turned my nephews who I helped raise when they were not allowed to stay with her or visit where she lived with a boyfriend who kicked them out. (she didn't teach them to respect him, or the house and let them disrespect them when she was mad at him bla bla...)
Anyways Ik have been betrayed by her and my heart has been broken in pieces more than onece by her antics, and betrayal.
So I guess you know about her and nephew sabatoging my efforts to get my mother meals on wheal and how she tried to attack and defamate my character the supervisor came for the visit because she insisted my mother did not need the service now or ever because she was taking care of everytgng. She does doodley squat...! And the intake case worker and supervisor were like well she is the one who called us!!.
So I can babble on. But Im talking to my mother when she comes in from work one afternoon. As I go upstairs behind her. When she gets on top landing she says in my mother's tone that was a one time thing. So I was like this is a sick puppy. and It ate me up this need to tell her about herself and her antics. Well one day went by and I said just leave it. Only thing is by me not checking her, her attitude is very arrogant and strongly belligerent and degrading towards me. I try not to be ugly and I do a lot of praying for long long time not to retaliate on her or my mother over many years of ugly team work.
So when she came in I went in living room and told her she is a sick puppy. And she is wrong if I place any kind of respect on her comment decisions or thinking because she abbnandoned her children, and my mother and betrayed me on several occasions. So keep her comment to herself. And that she needs to make me a monster so she can look at herself.

In the course of the exchange she got right up in myface in my space. I was eating a steak sandwich and chewing before she came in my face to retaliate, saying she was not talking to me (oh really?, that the only workds I heard her say) So I said well if I am wrong I still mean exactly what I said and as I spoke a piece of food flew out my mouth. (she had no business) up on my chest. I didn't back down because I just leave it alone all the time but not this time. So when she raised her hand it didn't get far. We had a nice tussle I was just getting started and she was telling my mother to call 911. Who by the way came between us with a knife saying stop this. So of course when police come she does more sabbatoge of my character and because her son is a ranking officer she is going to be right. I was like we will see because I went out there two. Two different stories, they say they have to sort it out, I did give her a scratch on the face that bled and of course she left the blood to make it look bad. But the officers were like, don't look like anyone is hurt, whatch what you say. She says I came at her like I ambushed her (lie) she is a narcissist cant stand to be called out on her wrong. I was telling her how she turned her children against me and tried with my mother. How she has torn this family apart. and she can say what she want but I have no repect for her or her opinion because of her past actions.
Anyway she has my nephew on the phone and he tells her enough is enough just leave it alone. Then she says okay like she letting me off the hook. I just shook my head. CRazy ehh..

Duck, I think it's important for your own mental health to try and keep as far away from your sister as possible. When it starts to get physical? That's when you really need to start looking into a long term solution to this ongoing problem.

Oh and let me add. I felt so relieved, so light and so good after that fight. Because she will think next time she has anything untoward to say or do in my presence. And it felt like light stuff in action. But when it was over, mind you I was not dressed. I went up to throw on my wig and get dressed before I scare the police away. While I dressed I was so winded and shaking like a leaf. That adrenaline was kicking in. I was okay afger about 5min. Glad its over. Now she knows. Its ashame we grown women but that's what happens when you grow up pitted against someone. She teamed up with my mother another narcissist. And lies the sameway my mother will to be right or to look good. I have told my mother many times we are like this because this was the way she raised us. If I put on a shirt of my sisters and she complained my mother would almost rip it off me. visa versa nothing. I don't think my sister ever mopped a floor where we livd. If she didn't want to wash the dishes or walk the dog I had to do it. I used to tell her I would give her that whipping she never had. I almost did last nightl.

Gershen you are absolutely right. All I could think was what if I ended up in jail. I do try and stay away from her in all ways and I think that why she feels so superior and occausionly grunts with a disgust when we do cross paths and Im in my natural. Our passings right after were cool. I think now she knows better. I got a lot of pent up anger out so I think Im okay. When we got started I felt like I would go to jail whupping that butt. Now I know its not worth it. Had I took things further during the fight it could have been bad. She backed off when she saw I had her, so I did too. I don't think she want to got there anymore. I certainly don't and unless she touch me which she wont unless she truly crazy I think we will be okay.

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