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I just peed on my husband's side of the bed........take that! :)

(no, I really didn't but I thought about it)

Got anything good in your frig Send? Iv'e got a fake jar of mustard in mine and when you open it a "surprise" pops out.You need any mustard?

Yes, I will add a mustard moustache to the pancakes. He might like it!

Tonight, our frig has been refilled. Looking for something to eat before, I had to throw out 2 jars of expired peanut butter from 2015. We already ate the popcorn the last 3 tummy kinda hurts. I will wait to cook the pancakes, still leaving the frig open....

What is the surprise? I just know that I will be sorry for asking.

It's a fake rubber penis....
(you asked)

I know a game we could play...How about we draw on our husband's faces and see how much damage we can do before they wake up-

I've got an idea. Lets take all our husband's clothes and turn them inside out and hang them back up.

Oops, a touchy subject Gershun! No one knows that my dH turns the clothes inside out on purpose, all the time. He buttons blue jeans backwards, twisting them all screwy--makes no sense at all, and infuriates me. Sometimes, because to him, the seams are uncomfortable, he wears his underclothes inside out. Grrrr!
I know, I will force him to wear his clothes the right way out! Lol.

Maybe some lipstick, pouring whiskey on the pillowcase, accusing them of a drunken brawl the night before, and they won't remember!

Let's all put our clothes on backwards and see if anyone notices...

I know! Luckylu, maybe it is not too late to edit?
I know I already did....Lol.
Hoping no one saw it.....

Still a Friday night though.
How is that popcorn?
I hear Gershun colors her popcorn blue, or was it a blue cat?
Read way way back.

Once hubs and I walked through the grocery store with big bags of chips on our heads. Once Hubs threw a red pepper from one side of the store over to me and it hit the wall behind me with such a big thump. I went into hysterical laughter and I was standing my myself so everyone gave me a wide berth cause they probably thought I'd lost my mind. In fact I think I peed my pants a little that day. LOL

Another time when I was still getting my monthly visits from Aunt Flow, we were at the store so I could get tampons. I used to feel uncomfortable just buying tampons and I told Hubs that so he got my box of tampons and held them over my head and shouted "This girl is on her period!" LOL

So, I need to get him back real good somehow.

Hey guys I have to take a shower. Will be back later. Luv you!

Gershun makes blue cats Send. dH ate all the popcorn and now he's tooting.

Just want to apologize to those celebrating lent, because I don't, but you all should be ashamed of yourselves. Mwahhhhhh!

Just for the record I make blue cats but I don't make my cats blue. That would never do. Even though they poo and poo. Tootle loo.

Awaiting your turn for payback.......
You set up the pharmacist to loudly announce to come to the counseling counter to receive his Rx for Viagra.
The scene is played out in the movie: "Somethings Gotta Give" with Jack Nicholson, Keanu Reeves, and Diane Keaton.
Or a variation on that theme.
Got it?

Great idea Send. Or even worse I could get them to say "your anal lube is ready" LOL

I had to ask the pharmacist once for some Canesten *and* some athlete's foot gel.

"These are for completely different conditions, you know," she said, looking at me severely.

"I know," I said, wounded. "I'm having a rotten time."

Don't think pharmacists are supposed to laugh at their customers, are they?

Hi Countrymouse!
Looking up Canesten, Lol.

Dozing off,
Still in the same clothes,
Good Morning to some,
And to all a goodnight!

It seems as soon as I log out everyone comes out to play... I've had a good chuckle over my morning coffee (CM, you almost made coffee come out my nose LOL).
What a good way to start the day, coffee, sunshine, singing cardinals and laughter.

CM I have heard of putting your foot in your mouth, but you must be a contortionist.

Replace the Viagra with Salt peter.

Good to hear you chuckle, Gershun

I missed Friday night fiesta both here and at the Hotel California - I sat down for a few minutes after work and fell asleep - I'm so tired

Although Gershun did Lol, wasn't it Cwillie who chuckled?

Hope you are rested up for the week ahead....

Hey, any late night brats on here? 

Just me getting my bratty pup ready for her day at doggie spa tomorrow

Just got home from the hotel California

Send, I hope you don't want help with your taxes at this hour

I do mine on software but then still fill in paper forms in ink and send in via snail mail - my love letter to the IRS - I read there are few audits as there have been so many reductions in staff that there aren't enough auditors around to conduct them

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