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Aw, thanks for missing me!
I've been looking for my book: 1000 Ways to have a pest free garden.

Check the bottom drawer.

Ha ha ha! So far, none of the books have made it to the bottom drawer! Stuck trying to figure out EQ bracing. (PTSD re: EQ) May be stuck longer than I know. Waiting for help to rearrange entire bedroom. How did I know you were going to say that, C?
Naptime, Sat. afternoon.

Be careful about the weight of the books if you are putting them in a drawer.   The weight could warp the wood over time and you wouldn't be able to get the drawer back opened... oops.   Unless this piece of furniture has cabinet doors and extra thick wood.

My have my childhood dresser that I saved from my late parent's house.   Even after soaping up the wood sliders, anything heavy in that drawer it a real bear to open  :(

do feral cats like sushi?

I think feral cats like just about any kind of food. I've seen the ones around here chasing the squirrels around, trying to get one for dinner. I've left them ham or turkey deli meat that's a little too past date for me, but they eat it.

Give them sushi, you'll be their new best friend... until they remember that they're leery of everything and everyone and no one is their friend.

MsMadge...I bet they Love it~

My feral cat came to me for "Cat treats', cheap friskies kind.
But, she moved in, had kittens that night, months later I was finding them homes.

There used to be more "community cats" around here, but they've dwindled now that they've run out of food and housing sources in the immediate area. I looked into different Trap-Neuter-Release programs, but they charge ME for doing the trapping and spay/neuter. Well. I'd love to help them out but, sorry kitties, you're on your own. I think once the ones in my area reduced the rodent/rabbit population (which was overrun), they moved on.

I dreamed about the community cats last night! In my dream there was a little bird, and duckling, and other assorted community-cat-food critters, and they were running away from the community cats, which looked more like little foxes in my dream (because dreams are weird). I chased off the community cats from eating the little critters, then somehow my bulldog (because in my dream, I have a bulldog) got its paw hurt, except it had webbed feet like a duck, not a dog's paw.

I tell ya - I have weird dreams lately! Not bad, not too scary, thankfully. Just very strange and vivid enough for me to remember them after I wake up.

MsMadge have you asked them?

Ali, What are you eating as a late-night snack, Sushi?

We're all just stuck inside with this weather....on a Sunday night. Somebody has to be brave, still awake? Guess I am going to sleep then.....

I have to admit I am getting tired of the rain. I want to see sunshine and blue sky's again. A break in the rain for a couple days please!!!

Many caregivers, with their heavy schedules at work and caregiving, are doubly challenged with rain, storm, flooding issues. My prayers go out to them today.
Hoping they can get some real help.

Went outside with wet hair, my hubs saying "you will catch your death of cold".
Funny, but that is exactly what I should have said to a friend, going outside in the rain. Why do we risk our health when caring for someone is so very important?
When it gets overwhelming, lets not forget to behave ourselves when it counts.

Send, wet hair is not what made me sick. My husband bringing home a nasty cold that his co-workers were sharing is! Still having cough. Only benefit is knowing how long it lasts since I WATCHED HIM....grr.

Somehow, Guest, I knew that viruses and germs are responsible for colds and the flu. That part tickled me, first because my hubs said it; and second because it was a phrase from so long ago in history.
Now, please help figure out: Is it "Starve a cold, feed a fever", or "Starve a fever...."
Feel better soon!

Feed a cold, starve a fever. You can't smell with cold, so you are less hungry. Fever can make you vomit food and aspirate it, so you are supposed to eat less:)

Ah, the science behind it! Thanks Guest.

My father bless his dysfunctional narc heart was a doctor. Had a little habit of writing scrips for pain pills for himself. Don't think that is what "physician heal thyself" really means....

The subject of punctuation came up.
Here are two exact same Dear John letters, examples of punctuation changing the meaning:
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about.
You are generous, kind, thoughtful.
People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior.
You have ruined me for other men.
I yearn for you.
I have no feelings whatsoever when we’re apart.
I can be forever happy.
Will you let me be yours?

Now let’s see how those same words read with the punctuation in different places:

Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is.
All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you.
Admit to being useless and inferior.
You have ruined me.
For other men, I yearn.
For you, I have no feelings whatsoever.
When we’re apart, I can be forever happy.
Will you let me be?
Whoever wrote this is very funny.

Sendme2help, that example was perfect.   That is how I comprehend those new topic postings that have no punctuation :P

I learned a long time ago, when one writes, the article has to have who, what, where, when, and why.   I've always remembered that.

Yes the second verse is obviously the dear john letter - ha ha

I apologize for my usual lack of punctuation but typing on an iPad with just my index finger makes me forgo formalities

I try to compensate with white space :)

MsMadge, oh I can understand that.   Whenever my boss sends me a text from his Smart Phone it can turn out like the second Dear John letter above.

I still have a flip phone so I don't access the internet.   My buddy is the good old fashioned desk top computer with an actual keyboard.   I grew up the era of the old black manual typewriter, with the black/red ribbon, and the typewriter eraser pencil.  And carbon paper.  We sure have come a long way when it comes to typing :)

Oh the high school essays I used to write. First draft on scrap paper, then typed on the little portable at home. I was happy when sister brought home white out from her work, but if there were too many changes or you wanted to rearrange paragraphs you needed to redo the whole page. And spell check was the dictionary. Any one under 35 doesn't know how easy they've had it.

On a related note, I've noticed that the younger generation doesn't always use the term ditto correctly, subbing the word diddo. I bet even most of the ones who spell it correctly don't know that it was a brand of copying machine!

Both letters/versions of the same letter, start with Dear John.

However, the real "Dear John" letter is a real Dear John letter, I agree.

Would you mind if I shared that your birthday is this weekend?
Maybe everyone that can wants to meet up at IN N OUT near you?
Or, next door to the one with Twoheys restaurant for the very best hot fudge sundaes! Do they still have them?

Happy Birthday month, Ms. Madge!

Visited a very nice Assisted Living that has only been open a year in Santa Clarita. A single large room is about $5,500 which includes meals and housekeeping. I did not tour because not walking well without pain yet.
They have a Memory Care section also. Just off the I-5 fwy. Expensive imo.
The people were nice, looked well-cared for. The views of the sunset and wide open space were amazing. My family would thrive there with dignity.
Pets allowed.

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