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How about it, Luckylu, a surprise?
Gershun, Playing Santa on rapid transit, that was so nice of you!
Susan, Even the grocery stores have so many gifts available in a hurry-even though it is not exactly what you want. Or, a nice card, saying come by for your gift in the New Year when I am healed? Is that tacky?
MsMadge, You always have the best ideas for fun!
Pammzi, Just send us your holiday greetings-because we care!

Susan, take that inflamed, pinched nerve to bed, and please stop over-exerting.
Your health matters most at this time!

This is a real may sound flippant, silly, or just bad....but what was the name of that cream to use when a patient's butt burns? Wearing diapers (not you Gershun), and being unable to move around in bed, (also not me), cannot sit up, in danger of bed sores, what to use? Not my patient, but need to give them the right advice.....

Send - are there open sores, or just rash at this point? Silvadene cream works well and protects the skin for burns, but if this is a rash, you might be ok with something like Desitin or Boudreaux's Butt Paste (funny name, but it works a charm).

Have not actually seen the butt in question, but will look for those creams, thank you Susan!
Another part of the being immobile in bed, is probably muscle and bone pain. I suggested a massage therapist but the answer was no.

Good old A&D in ointment or cream works too

I'll take a massage therapist - they all say no but every time I massage mom's shoulders and upper arms she says how good it feels
Problem most massage therapists think they're working out sore athletic muscles and don't realize a light touch is needed with older folks

Needing a massage here too.

My Mom didn't like to be touched either. She always looked younger than her actual age and I would forget that she was in her nineties and maybe was a little too rough with her. I remember I used to shave her whiskers off for her and one time accidentally cut her lip. I felt so bad. It just bled and bled. She was such a delicate little flower. :(

Well I didn't make it into east la to get my Xmas tamales but I treated myself out to dinner - hostess hadn't seen me in awhile and asked about mom - we brought her here to our fav Mexican restaurant for her 93rd bday

Now that I've had my albondigas soup and chile relleno I'm fortified to go spend the evening at the hotel California

Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite everyone

Oh MsMadge,
Drive like you mean it....much storm, thunder, rain, be careful. Traveling mercies!

Send I am going to try that mg+ I am constipated and cant sleep too. Is being full of x@d!t the reason why I can't sleep?! :) I know its good for nerves also. Definitely will try. lately I been restocking on my supplements that really help keep me from getting congested lungs. I was checking out the acetyl-cartinine suppleent and decided to by one with lycolic acid which was a waste becacuse without a biotin supplement It makes hair fall out.

But did think of you all when I used some of the last of turpentine on my chest and felt so much better an less congested the next am.

Gershun, so sorry about the theft. Maybe they needed it. but not knowing whats in the bag? Anyways I think karma brings things back times three. Maybe they will figure it out one day or not ! This is a time for pick pocketing and theft. We all have to be careful. Some people still dont realize God provides all we just have to let go. I can say because I have been so I thought without. I really wanted for nothing even though it was a pleasure to my mohter and sister to rub my face in my situation. I ramble again. The season brings out desperation in some people.

Duck, When the chemists change the chemical formula, perhaps by only one molecule to turn mentholatum back into turpentine, they often use the turpentine to remove the tar from the feathers of a suffering duck so it won't die. No one is saying turpentine is good for the duck.
Lends a whole new meaning to the phrase, tarred and feathered. imo. Lol.

Mom loves mentholatum and its darn hard to find now

Mentholatum search results: Target, with CVS pharmacy inside, special order, about 2-3 days, more if you go late and the pharmacy closes before the store. Yes, it was darn hard.

I was having trouble sleeping and constipation issues. After eating wheat cereal a couple of times I feel fine again. I wonder if all this "gluten free" food is causing people digestive problems in another way? People have been eating wheat for thousands of years and now gluten is supposed to be bad for everyone? I am trying to stick to the old "everything in moderation" way.

Katie, good point about digestive problems for those who really don't need gluten-free products. Some say it helps if one is trying to lose weight.

Where was all this wonderful gluten-free products back decades ago when a doctor had placed me on a gluten-free & dairy free diet as I was having major stomach issues? Going on that diet did help. Then I slowly started bringing wheat back into my diet, and it was ok. The dairy, nope, it was really messing with me.

Back then finding gluten-free already made products was next to impossible [except for a couple of cereals]. Health food stores were far and few between, but they had rice bread, yuk. And Lactaid milk didn't taste real great back then, now it taste like regular milk :) And their ice cream is excellent.

On my late Dad's side of the family I have some cousins who are gluten intolerant and dairy intolerant. I finally got my Dad to use Lactaid milk and Lactaid ice cream. My late Mom was always under the impression that little bit of dairy wouldn't hurt, like cottage cheese, regular shredded cheese, yogurt, and regular ice cream. It was difficult to convince her that "yes" a little bit could hurt in this case.... [sigh]

That's an interesting point, Katie. I've heard it said that only about 10% of the people claiming they need to be gluten-free actually *do* need it, due to celiac disease, etc.

What I've found personally is that grains are my enemy - wheat especially. For some reason, in the past 2 years, I've developed some sort of allergy or intolerance for wheat. When I eat products containing wheat, like flour-based products, I develop an almost instant reaction of sneezing and sinus issues - and the stomach issues are incredible. They last for about 2 hours and then they're gone. If I eat the wheat products again - same reaction. As with freqflyer's milk issues, a "little bit won't hurt" rationale is like the kiss of death for me with wheat.

Susan, anytime I drink Pepsi or Coke [love the cherry favor] or have dark chocolate candy I would go into a sneezing fit.

Now that's an interesting one, FF. I've heard of chocolate allergies, but I can only suspect there must be some chemical in the soda that's causing the reaction for you.

DD made all the Christmas cookies this year - I ate a few of the ones my Mom traditionally made, but oh, did I pay for it.

Christmas Day turned out nice.

Some think that the modern wave of wheat sensitivity is actually a sensitivity to the chemicals/fertilizer sprayed on the wheat crops nowadays. Or perhaps some aspect of genetically-modified wheat is causing reactions. I wouldn't rule it out. We live in the era of franken-food.

BlackHole, I've often thought that the chemicals or gmo foods may be to blame, too. I used to eat wheat products with no problem, but now they have a terrible effects on me.

Happy birthday luckylu

Wishing you happiness and a big plate of fluffy buttermilk pancakes!

Happy Birthday, Luckylu!
A bittersweet time, but wishing you lots of love.

Happy Birthday Lu! ((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))

With steak and eggs, whipped butter on top....
powdered sugar on the pancakes.
Orange juice too.

Add a little champagne to that OJ

Letter to the Editor in today's newspaper, can anyone help?

SIR - Some years ago, my wife and I accidentally caught an American movie of the Fifties or Sixties, title unknown, but we will always remember the family's dogs' names, which were GetOffTheRug and YouToo.
When we were adopted by a stray cat, in addition to our own, he became Spare Cat, definitely under the influence of those dogs' names.
What was the film? It was fun.

[signed Barry Westwood, New Malden, Surrey.]


Three Wise Women
Would have asked for directions
Cleaned the stable
Brought Baby clothes
And made a casserole.
Then there would be
Peace on Earth

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