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Pam now that's a thought. Merry Christmas........hope you're still alive. LOL I think I'll sign all my cards that way from now on.

Send, I like that: "bah humbuggy" I think I will attach a horse to my bah humbuggy and take off into the sunset until all this holiday stuff winds down!

Giddy yup!

Thinking that I will send out one of those long, long Christmas letters about how my year has been, all the nice places I have traveled to (not) etc.





Except that I won't start writing it until next year, in case I am no longer alive.

Signing off now,

Merry Christmas, hope you are still alive.

Send, maybe tell them the addy of your "go Fund Me" account too,,, so they can help make next years letter more exciting...LOL. At my relatives ages you never know from day to day.. hee hee. This is the behaving badly thread..

My dear Dh Knows I have a "thing" about tinsel on the tree and we have a new kitten so when he bought a strand of silver Garland,I didn't say a word.He said he can't wait to put it on the tree tonight.Wait'll he opens it.........

Send of course you have been to lots of interesting places this year and some days the sun was shining. There was the visit to the ER when grandma mistook her meds for M&Ms and they had to pump her stomach and she used words that even you had never heard.
Then there was the time she dropped her drawers in the hardware store and made use of a display toilet.
Then there was the time in the restaurant when you thought she had gone to the restroom but she went to the kitchen and spat in the soup telling the chef he should be ashamed of himself.
Have you forgotten that outing to the seashore from the senior center, wasn't that fun?
And the trip to the ballet where she rushed up onto the stage and pretended to be a swan. It took two ushers to return her to her seat as you were hiding in the ladies room.
Wow and I almost forgot when she asked that nice police man who was helping her across the street and she asked him when he last had sex.
I won't even mention the Christmas party at MIL's or the fact that she has now been banned from the garden club, the knitting guild, nor can she volunteer at the hospital since she helped an elderly gentleman escape down the fire escape.
Yes send you have a lot to share this Christmas. And one last one she put $1 on the plate at church and took out five as her change.
So much to share so little time to write.
Have a good one Send

Christmas cards are something i really hate and only started mine today. this seems to be a time to rub everyones nose in the fact that they are better off. We are going to the Turks and Cakous again in March, we love it there. (Don't even know how to spell it) We have been downsizing we are moving into a luxury development in a few days. We are going on out tenth trip to Australia this year ,we really enjoy that country. In Feb we will be flying out to Florida to spend our annual week at out time share. And worst of all we still enjoy golf and tennis.
Maybe I should add that I am applying for a new luxury electric scooter and it will even have Lithium batteries. i think I will get a red one to match my new walker. I have decided what i want for Christmas and that is one of those stair lifts so i can get up the basement stairs again! or maybe a walk in bath tub.
Ah well we can only dream. At least my daughter will spoil me rotten over Christmas

Mom is the only one still up at the hotel California watching tv
11:30 pm at night and she wants a snack

Veronica, your posts made me chuckle. Much needed comic relief today, though I know we're all sighing behind the laughs, knowing how all too true some of this really is.

The high point of my holiday season was our family Christmas dinner, a downscaled version of our annual party, because I was in no shape financially or physically to do the party. I did, however, make a point of standing up to make mention of those we had lost and to thank everyone for coming - to which one sibling had to snarkily comment, "Oh, here's the 'speaker of the house'!" - and I replied, "Yes the 'house' that needs a roof, new basement and mold remediation, right??". The response? "Welcome to the real world!" (As if I have been living in la-la land for the past 4 years while I cared for Mom.)

All said with smiles on faces, of course, but we all know what the meaning was behind it. (sigh) I give up....
Report Just wow. And I understand. If I stood up at any holiday bash w/the in-laws and said something positive and honoring, they would waste no time letting me know that I'm on the wrong planet.

As for Christmas cards, it makes me sad to receive fewer and fewer each year. A part of me "gets it." I've grown weary of sending them myself. Altho most years I git-r-done.

Most folks probably think that their well wishes on social media are sufficient. That leaves me out, cuz I don't do facebook or twitter or snapchat or instagram. Perhaps there should be a new Christmas carol: "We text you a merry Christmas, we text you a merry Christmas...."

I try not to waffle on about the good old days. But I remember being a kid, and at least one Christmas card arrived every day in December. We made a garland (of sorts) out of them, and it framed the kitchen doorway.

BlackHole - I'm looking at the 2 lonely Christmas cards on my card holder right now - we haven't received any others at all. I haven't sent any, either, so I can't complain much. I guess I'm just not in the spirit at all this year, but it seems we receive fewer and fewer each year since Dad died, and the older family members have started passing away as well.

Thanks for your funny post about all the wonderful things I forgot this year! I am becoming more and more thankful for the forgetting part of getting older.

We have not received even one Christmas card this year! However, we have plenty because I have saved some from years past. There is just no place to string them up. Still working on it. Maybe I could start mailing them out to people with other's greetings and signatures on them? Or even more fun, start returning the years past cards to the original senders! Lol.

Luckylu, Please, oh please put a bell on the garland so you can come out and watch what happens.

Hey Gershun,
Maybe we can empathically send out some greetings this year? Do you know how? Me neither.

I behaved really badly with my brother today.. He is down syndrome and has alzheimers, and needs assistance with adl and mobility. I was taking him for a haircut trying to get his coat and hat and gloves on. Its like trying to put gloves on a dead person. I lost patience and was hollering at him to try and help. Then I felt awful and was crying and telling him how sorry I was and have been on the edge of tears all day. He cant help it; how could I do that to him. Its all okay now but i feel so guilty.

Alice, you're right, that wasn't very kind towards you're brother; but you've said sorry and it's all okay with him - so don't be unkind to yourself, either. You are a human being, not a saint or an angel. Frustration made you lose your patience. Loving your brother made you sorry you did. Hugs to both of you!

Your brother! Not you're brother. It's very early :/

Church what you said is so very true. We love and when we lose patience that love makes us feel guilty. Also I often find my self typing synonyms and such things I know better but it like subconscious behavior. I go to English spellings and crazy stuff. So glad people out there understand. I would not have noticed the you're had to look for it. LOL.

I also haven't had many cards. The last years they were less and less. I am really thinking that people on social media sites are in an alternate Universe from the rest of us...and we are left wondering what has happened. Just when you might feel better hearing from people...they disappear into their own self oriented worlds.

We are also gettig fewer cards,, even with Mom here the last few years. I don;t think it;s the postage price either. but I do know my list gets smaller each year..

Think that I am getting sick, not caring for myself, worried about everyone else, but not a martyr. Just feeling like I wish I felt better to be able to give more, and more of what is needed, without hurting myself. I lack the energy to behave badly and have a little fun. Hope this passes. At night, the heart skipping beats has become more of a space between beats-and I am no longer sure this is just stress. Hard to consider appointments at Christmas, the doctors are busy.

I hope to keep a low profile, not get over concerned.

After one Christmas, it was my hubs birthday, and I forgot. We did celebrate throughout the month, and did that this year too. But I have been so busy, so distracted, I am nervous about this oversight happening again. Not to mention, or acknowlege his birthday-and he says nothing!
Luckylu has a birthday, just after Christmas, and the day before my hubs b-day.

So, Luckylu, if I forget, Happy December birthday to you! Hope your birthday brings new peace and happiness to your life, and on into the new year! You are one special person!

Thank you Send....

Ah, the magnesium component-forgot to take my magnesium citrate and Vit. D before rushing out this morning. Found this advice to remind me,xonlibe:

"Be cautious taking extra magnesium if you have kidney disease but for most persons 250-500 mg a day of extra magnesium is very safe. Most drug stores carry magnesium oxide which may work great if you are constipated but is poorly absorbed.

I tell patients to buy magnesium taurate, malate, glycinate or citrate, which may require a search at a dedicated vitamin shop. Magnesium taurate works particularly well taken at night as it may stop palpitations, improve bowel regularity, relieve migraines, help PMS, and provide a restful night's sleep. That is a winning formula!"

Author unknown.

But helps sleep!!!

Send I am constipated and can't sleep so I better stock up on the stuff.

Guess what happened to me today. I went to the mall to pick up last minute Christmas stuff and when I got home discovered one of my purchases gone. I was on the busy rapid transit and I figure someone stuck their hand in my bag and took it. Nice eh! Tis the season for peace on earth, good will toward man isn't it?
It is right? Anyone?

Hope they enjoy it whoever took it. :(

Constipated and tired = exhaustipated

Hope it was a small item lost and not a treasure

Hey Send,

I think we all should arrive at luckylu's on the eve of her birthday - say 2:00 am and take her out for pancakes in her pjs

Ms Madge it wasn't anything too precious but it sure burns my butt though. I hope they really needed it.

I like MsMadge's pancake idea. Sounds fun. :-)

Send, I hope you were able to replace the small item with something else. With losing Mom this year and all the other stuff going on, I have been remiss in keeping my gift closet stocked, so I've been scrambling last-minute this year, which I hate. It means I'm less able to give the things I'd like to. I normally shop clearance sales and online specials all year long for gifts to keep on hand for Christmas and birthdays for the kids and grandkids, friends and family - not this year. So it's a skimpier holiday than normal. Next year I'll be back on track, hopefully.

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