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I have decided that no matter how bored I am in this wheelchair.. and how many times I see that stupid add.. VIPoo is not a viable Christmas gift for my family and friends...

Cannot find any race results? Can I ask my friends here to fill me in?

There was traffic everywhere today, an accident blocked our travel to his work, he was late! and because HIS life is so full, being supported at every turn, he casually got ready, did not shave, stressed me out to rush him off so I felt, well, like all of us on this forum feel at times, and have written about for years.

So, after buying a washing machine to decrease laundry expenses, support my own exhausting efforts to help him, I came home and went to sleep all afternoon.
Something's gotta give because my heart is throwing off PVC'c while I push myself beyond my limits. The treatment is to immediately decrease stress, so I did. hello?

Sorry, Send. :-( I don't know about any race results, but hope your fave, or your pick, won something. And way to go on reducing your stress of the day. I slept most of Wednesday after getting up early and wanting so much to tackle so many things that day... but my brain/body had other ideas and I was dragging. Fell asleep around 9am and woke up after 4pm. What else can you do when body demands SLEEP A LOT RIGHT NOW...? If you come up with an alternative to sleeping when you need to, let me know. I'd have so much more time to do other things. :-D (((hugs)))

Ali, My fave is a most deserving thoroughbred, a winner-hope he won today.
Ms. Madge will know.

The new sleep solution? Here is mine: Practice the new art of not giving a (four letter word) and just drink water, eat a little, and go to sleep. Do not think about what will happen, because if I am not there to support, to take care of tomorrow, no one else is going to help. Today I took a 1/2 tablet of anti-anxiety med to get the sleep started. Feeling better now. So much better now!

I understand that many caregivers cannot do this, but should try to take care of themselves all along. You go caregivers! Just when we think we cannot go on, there is a new burst of clear sky allowing us to see things more clearly.

Arrowgate won in the home stretch, California Chrome was second.

I have a rule I try to stick to that is no body and no bad thoughts can come into my bed if I don't let them or it...:) If something is worrying me I try to tell myself I will deal with the problem at 8 am the next morning, several hours after waking up and several cups of coffee. Sometimes I write the problem down on a sheet of paper and leave it on my home desk for morning, and it stays there instead of coming into my bedroom and having me worrying on it all night. I have found this tactic helps me sleep so much better.

Katie, That is a good suggestion, writing the problem down and focusing on tomorrow as the time you will deal with it. Instead, I have been getting up and dealing with it late at night-especially paperwork. Then I can go to sleep, however, would stay up most of the night. :(

sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite

Oh, how cute! The cat was sleeping on top of a laundry hamper left in the kitchen for six days.
Not so cute was the cat, an elderly cat, pooped in there too. On somebody's clothes. In the kitchen.
We call this poop humor, right?

Send....Good luck getting the cat urine odor out of those clothes.There is nothing worse and if you find a magic recipe for it,let me know.I am surprised the cat pooped where it sleeps......cats are so weirdly wonderful.

Send, nothing like a cat thinking out of the box :P

All is right with the world when the cat has spoken!

P.S. Happened at someone else's home, we do not have any pets.

Then it is OK to laugh Send... I'd rather they poop than pee.... you can pick it up and toss it! Our one cat used to pee in hubs suitcase when he was packing if he didn;t pick it up off the floor, guess she wanted him to stay home

Does remembering Mexican jumping beans make me old?

About the mexican jumping beans making you old.....
Only if you swallowed some and after all these years they stopped jumping,
I would say that the beans got too old, not you! Lol.

Wait, I don't remember any beans and I'm not old!

Ofcourse you remember Send...They were little beans in a plastic box and they had little hats and canes and they performed The Mexican Hat Dance to Mexicalli Rose.How can you forget that?!!

Don't worry Luckylu,
Found them for sale online just now, and I remember seeing them there just ten minutes ago, so you're not old at all!

Send...Did you happen to see any growing Magic crystals too?

Yes Lu, I have heard of those, but not the kind everyone else was taking as drugs.

Love voting days, where many a married household is fraught with the fight:
"Well! My VOTE cancels out your VOTE!

ha ha ha ha, lol, har de har, lol. It is true! Happy voters check in here!

Did you ever buy any of those tiny real turtles when you were a kid?
And I sure hope my vote cancels out my husband's!Going to vote right now.

Pet turtles in a little plastic dish with a fake palm tree! When the turtle grew it kept escaping, one day it just disappeared. Hmm, I don't think I can ask mom anymore what really happened to it...

In the back of comic books,there were items you could order like jokes to play on people.One time I ordered a fake arm cast that looked real.It came in handy so many times through the years but my fake doggie doo doo didn't go over so well and the man got a paper towel,picked it up and threw it down his toilet and I didn't say a word.Or do THAT joke again.Ahhh,the good ole days........

Remember candy cigarettes? I think back when I was 10 or 12 years old and buying those candy cigarettes... looked real on those cold days.

Or those candy dots on a long roll of paper? Or that fizzy stuff you could put on your tongue?

I remember all those candies and the comic book tricks, and the little turtles with the plastic palm tree dish... Does anyone remember sea monkeys? In the add they looked like tiny little people but when I got them and put them in water they were these little things that looked like bugs swimming about. ugh...out they went into the grass.

I remember all those good candies freqflyer.We had the best candy back tthen.Do you remember when Zotz came out? And do you remember the good ole comic books like Little Lotta and Little Audrey,Dot,Richie Rich, and Casper?I still have mine in the attic but I'll never let them go until I read them all again atleast once.It was so much fun to pig out on candy and read my comic books.....

Katie...I remember sea monkies too!Mine didn't turn into little people either......

What about dolls.....which ones did you play with?i played with Liddle Kiddles and Ginny's and I would only be Ken when we played Barbie.

My playmate was my big brother, we played baseball and football and army and cowboys and astronauts. I can remember hanging a bucket from the clothes line to give the kitties rides, they didn't like that too much ;)

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