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When I take the puppy out to do her business I say"Go peepee,doodle dump wee wee"but my husband always says "just go potty".
Today I let her put her paws in paint and we made pawprints on his underpants.
We know nothing.....

Lu, funny that!
When hubs used to walk our dog, he would say "pee-de-wee-dee".
I was inside laughing so hard that I had to "pee-de-wee-dee".

It once occured to me, wondering if those domesticated spoiled doggys could ever actually pee on their own without instructions.

We still have a bark collar from when we had our American Eskimo. People just don't hear the part about us removing the electrode rendering a slight shock, leaving only a beep collar-no shock people!! Just a beep!
You would think we were monstrous pariahs, because we cannot even give that collar away for free, with free batteries and instructions.

Today, hubs lost his shaver, taking it in the car, plugging it in the house overnight.
I don't know what is wrong with him....I offered to shave him-gee, its not like its a straight blade. He actually accused me of not putting it in the right place, expecting me to find it for him. So when he asked-for the last time-I said:
"Did you look in the freezer?"

Caregiving Badly buddies, where are you?
I might go out to Denny's and order "Moons over my hammy" tonight.
It's all yours, take it away....

Oh, what-forgot to check the sports schedule! Is there another game?
Batter up?

Oh Sendme did you ever have Denny's biscuits? I love them but they don't offer them here anymore. :(

Our family's old bedtime routine included letting the dogs out last thing with an excited cry of "Weezenpoos!"

Old habits die hard, so now I say that to my Staffie too. Only he was already seven years old when I adopted him, and the look of withering contempt he gives me as he takes himself sedately outside to relieve himself on the lawn has to be seen to be believed. Honestly! Like he needs telling. Woman must think he's an eejit...

I'm so tired of the dogs at mom's memory care relieving them selves indoors that I've taken on the role of last call on the nights I'm there - the youngest of the bunch is quite happy to go outside but doesn't always pee but she runs to the front door when I say tinkle time - of course sometimes so does her owner 🐕

My bro was into Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way... "be clean"! (Sounds so much more dignified doesn't it?) He preferred "heel" over "walkies" though :)

The boss where sis works has brought in a cat for the residents, I think the staff are ready to revolt!

churchmouse....Have you gone country? Maybe we have 2 mice running loose....
This morning I kept hearing a mouse,I thought,but when I opened the cabinet, a bird flew out!How it got in there,I'll never know....(for real).
And Gershun,The bisquits at Hardees are pretty good too....I think. I Love bisquits and gravy!

Hey, Gershun,
Never had the biscuits, but if you avoid the ckn at kfc, they have hot biscuits.

Wait up! Right about now we should have some good cooks in the UK flying through the screen cyber-wise to strangle me alive. What was I thinking?
Biscuits are tremendously easy to bake up-even I have done it! But never on a full moon, and I don't know what the UK brats will say, but I used Bisquick MIX!

God and the Queen cannot save me now!

Send when the Queen enjoys a biscuit with her morning coffee it is not the sort you are thinking of and we don't bake our own. The closest the English come to American biscuits are scones

Well dad has that were if something is out of place it drives him crazy do I've been bad I've move stuff put two different towels in the bathroom he hates to see change on the floor or ground so I've been putting change every around the house the floor of the truck put his odools in front of his bud light it's been great

We had a german shepherd years ago and she developed diabetes. I had to follow her round the garden holding a small bowl and repeating "Do a wee Sandy" She would find the longest wetest grass before she squarted, I think just to spite me. These days my Veterinarian daughter tells me they just prick a paw and do a blood test

Cdtrog why on earth are you torturing your Dad. The poor man has Parkinsons which is enough for him to cope with without you making his life miserable.
Do you realize many Parkinson's patients develop dementia and this kind of behavior is cruel not bratish which is what this thread is about. We are on this thread for fun so please reconsider your behavior

Veronica....We had a daushand years ago and it had diabetes too and I had to catch it's urine and test it with a color chart test strip but being so short legged I usually ended up getting wet myself.The people with diabetic dogs today don't know how good they've got it with the blood test,do they?

Well I have two cats and get this.........I wipe their little bums with toilet paper if I'm around when they use the litter box. I know it probably sounds eccentric but I noticed their little bum stains on the carpet etc. and they don't seem to mind so what the hell. My Mom used to say to me "I bet you are the only person who wipes their cats bums" LOL

Gershun....My Mom always said "I'll bet you're the only person that makes "Napkin Time" for your babies" because everynight at bedtime,I'd make each baby a napkin filled with cut up chicken and cheese and crunchies and then go deliver them to each one on their beds that night.It's nice that you take care of your cats bums too.

My American Eskimo got her bum wiped bt the vet.

Peter Paul Almond Joy's got nuts.
Mounds don't, because...

Sometimes you feel like a nut - sometimes you don't

I want to be a brat and unplug the router so my sister will do something around the house besides sit and FB. I spent all night cleaning on top of working overtime this week to replace her busted car window...after buying her new eyeglasses last payday. Grrr...

Rebecca why are you supporting your sister?

"They" keep telling mom it is time to get up.
"Do you want to get up mom?" "No, I want to sleep."
I told mom to tell "them" to F off, she doesn't want to get up and I don't want her to get up either. "They" won't listen. Grrrr.

You know, Veronica, I took physiology and anatomy, but I don't understand at all how the vets can prick a paw and get the urine out that way. Poor doggys.
I think following them around (the dogs, not the vets) in the tall grass -give us a pee-whatever their name is-oughtta be reinstated. lol.

' cause there's something in a Sunday that makes a body feel alone

Kris Kristofferson, covered by.....

And somewhere it echoed
through the canyon
lost dreams of yesterday

And was it only yesterday
all my dreams
were just a day away

Now I've nothing left to say
When in a little while from now
If I'm not feeling any less sour
Will treat myself
To visit a nearby tower
And peeing from the top
Then hiding from the cop
In an effort to
make it clear to
What its like when you have given all you got
And decided you're just not
Spending anymore time
Giving it another thought
When they have treated me like rot.

And using well the time I've got....
What...haven't thought that far ahead yet.

You're good - I thought surely that would stump y'all
Johnny Cash
Mom loves music and there's something haunting about that song she liked - I used to make her pancakes on Sunday mornings with ham and eggs

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