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Well I did yell at the woman and the girl who works with me recorded it and gave it to the police the recording was made feb 23 and only presented apr 1 isnt it illegal to record without someone knowing Exploting her I never took any amount of money from her her grandaughter paid me not her I slept on the couch

Well I feel there is little I can contribute being in the UK but what evidence do they have for them to charge you with exploitation AND intimidation? Presumably your advisor/attorney/whoever legal you are using are advising you of how they arrived at those charges? Have you seen your Psychiatrist? What does he/she say? Have you seen the doctor? Have the family spoken to you? We dont have enough information to comment

Will yall comment

Exploiting and Intimidating an elder is are my charges.

When are you meeting with the attorney (public defender is just fine for this...they ARE lawyers). Talk to him or her honestly, they want to get this settled quickly too.

Are you under psychiatric care? You appear to have very high levels of anxiety. But I agree with Tx, what you need is legal-related, not aging care related. Good luck.

This forum is really not qualified to answer questions like you have. You should take this up with your public defender and do whatever they recommend.

This is outside the scope of actually *giving care*.
I wish you well, but we cannot give legal advice.

Can a public defender do that

How do i go about doing that?

Hopefully, it will be cleared up quickly and easily. You may want to consider a settlement that would require medication and monitoring by a physician and anger management classes.

I was just told they cant devite as much time as i may need


Public defender is an attorney. They are many times working in thia office as a way to serve the public good.

Im having to get family help and they are adamant that a public defender is just as good as a lawyer.

Im having to use a public defender Ive heard horrible things about them is there any other type of law that I can look at?

If that's really all you did I'd think it would be a ticket to some anger management classes and not much more. It is not wrong to tread carefully, but don't totally go overboard and create an impression of much deeper guilt, either!

Who is telling you that you're going to get two years of jail for saying shut up? You have a lawyer, yes? Listen to him or her. Show remorse. If it's the cops who are trying to scare you , don't talk to them without your lawyer. If it's other people, they don't sound like they know what they're talking about.

Are you seeing your mental health provider and taking your meds?

The harshness of the way i spoke

That's the only thing i did

I actually told her to shut up and asked her to stop being hateful.

1. You probably do need that lawyer, and you should listen to them and not us :-).
2. You need to get honest with yourself and your psych care providers.

Your story here did not make a lot of sense, at first...If you had just been scared of an APS investigation even though you knew you had done nothing wrong and had good documentation, all the reassurances you got should have been helpful, but now it seems that you have not really been keeping your temper under control with this elderly woman. Now, Lord knows that is hard enough even if you do not have untreated or undertreated mental illness. That said, if all you actually did was yell at her once or twice, and its a first offense, and it actually goes to court, they would tend to be less interested in jailing you than in seeing that you get appropriate treatment. If the yelling was not abusive under circumstances that you can explain, well, the recording should help you and not hurt you. Earlier you indicated that the sheriff seemed to be out to get you - do you have good reason to believe that, and would he or she likely convince the court to give you maximum penalties? If you end up in jail it is not necessarily the end of the world either...but cross that bridge if and when you come to it. The husband of an office-mate of mine actually went to federal prison for nearly two years, probably for something he was not fully guilty of, but now he fully has his life back.

The reality though is that with a founded APS case on your record, you will likely need to find another line of work besides caregiving, and honestly, that might be for the best. Bottom line is that neither wishful thinking nor worrying will make this go away, and even the family being on your side, while a positive, will not be enough to shield you from all consequences if there is real evidence that you engaged in abusive treatment.

One small piece of advice that I do feel qualified to give - do NOT change your story up every time you are asked, and do not hide something you are afraid sounds bad if you really did not cause the injury, because a criterion for determining abuse is simply whether the story is consistent and can really explain the observed physical findings. I had a parent of a patient end up with a founded DCFS report once because of this - the story he made up did not fit, and all along the actual events indicated a pure accident, and for some reason he thought that they would be harder on him for an accident. I have also seen things go badly despite the facts of a case when someone was belligerent with the investigators and got in a huff because they thought they should not be investigated if they had not done anything wrong.

They may or may not have a recording. Did they play it for you? Could be an effort to get a confession from you.

Get to the doctor to get the meds you need.

If you have bipolar disorder and it isnt under control hun should you really be looking after someone? Im not saying you shouldnt but you do have to be fairly fit, in control and healthy yourself to care for others sweetheart. So off to the docs and get that under control - I am sure then you will be able to cope better

When the cops took mre down they said they had a recording of me yelling at her that I wasnt aware the girl recorded thats enough to get jail.

Please go see your psychiatrist. Things will seem much better when you get the bipolar disorder under control.

Im probably going to jail for two years. THE JUDGE CANT JUST GIVE ME A YEAR. MY BIPOLAR IS OFF THE CHAIN

My step dad got a black eye from simply rubbing it wrong, or too hard, something. He is on cumaden which causes him to bruise easily. If they were to investigate me because he has a bruise, I would be keeping the entire APS agency very busy. Then what would they do about investigating others?

If this happened at the end of feb, and they did not report it until April 1 I think this would be in your favor. That is an entire month after the incident.. who would wait that long if they really thought it was abuse?? Hard to prove antthing after all that time! It is now 6 weeks, and your still hanging in the wind? Stop worrying so much, and contine to do the best job you can.. but from now on document Everything!! Good luck


Hi Innocent, are you I or 2... Hope you are the same person. I'm independent caregiver for my business for over 20 years... It's happened when you are caring another person who is/are very fragile.... Caregiver's job is not easy... When you were start this assignment for this Lady and her family, did you keep the log for yourself and your patient each time when you were there. So those log would be very helpful. I'm agree with other posters, please don't overwhelm yourself because you are still caring your patient right? I do hope everything goes well for you.

I was told that it is impossible for an elder to fall and get a black eye but your mom did.

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