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I’d never seen the movie of Saturday Night Fever, so after we’d watched a good movie about the BeeGees, DH dragged out the old one from the depths of outer space.

I couldn’t finish it. I couldn’t bear the final tragic scene where John Travolta is told he has to have a knee job and he’ll never dance again. It just had to be on the way…

Geometry for beginners: Parallel lines never meet, unless you bend one of them.

A couple on nice morning messages on my computer:

From Cheers, Breaking In Is Hard To Do:
Q: Hey, mate, what’s up?
A: The warranty on my liver.

From the Brown University Security Crime Prevention Pamphlet list of Signs of Crime (and I did check this one):
Screaming or cries for help.

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending a Company party (pre COVID)
He does not recall how he got home after the party.
Fearful he made some horrible blunder he forces his eyes open and the first thing he sees is a couple aspirin next to a glass of water on the night stand. Next to them a single red rose.
Jack sits up, notices his clothes, all clean and folded on the chair. He looks around and the room is in perfect order.
He takes the aspirin, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror.
He notices a note on the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick:
"Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make your favorite dinner. I love you, darling! Love Jillian"
He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steamiong coffee and the morning paper.
His son is also at the table eating. Jack asks "Son..what happened last night?"
"Well you came home after 3 AM, drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, then you puked in the hall, and got that black eye when you ran into the door."
Confused, he asked his son "So why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, breakfast is waiting for me?
His son replies, "Oh that...Mom dragged you to the bedroom and when she tried to take off your pants, you screamed "leave me alone, I'm married"
Broken Coffee table $239.00
Hot breakfast $9.00
Two aspirin $0.50
Saying the right thing at the right time PRICELESS!!!!!

Even years ago Art Linkletter's stuff seemed far fetched to me, a lot of it seems too advanced for wee tots (per your example Margaret, how many would they even know about being on hold?) and incredibly strange for older kids unless they lead weirdly odd and sheltered lives. But it's still better than some of the offensive stuff so keep right on posting 😊
It's too bad we can't post pictures and videos, there are lots of them out there. Perhaps the new people just need to go back to page one and start over....

I’ve just remembered one of my own. My father told me when I was little that it was best to use the marked pedestrian crossing, because if you got knocked down on one, the government paid for your funeral. It stuck for quite a while...

Hi! Some of them might be made up, but I don’t think most are. I think that some are from very small children, and more are from kids that got told the wrong thing by older siblings or parents. For example, 'the icecream van only plays the music when it’s run out of icecream'. For an adult, most of them really are ludicrous!

The book was written by Mat Connolly, and it is now a website called The book’s intro starts with the author’s own childhood fear of something lurking in the toilet. Then ‘many years later, I found out that a good friend used to believe his body was filled with baked beans, and I began collecting people’s strange childhood beliefs’.

Yes, some similar things used to turn up in the Readers Digest magazine section called ‘Kids say the darndest things’. They really are quite common. Even DH said that when he was little he thought cats were all females, dogs were all males - and he's quite bright.

If no-one likes this lot, I’ll give the book back to the Op Shop and find another one. Anything but Irish jokes! My favorite book was ‘Church Chuckles’, which started with the Parish kitchen sign “After use, please rinse teapot and stand upside down in sink’. It would be good if more people joined in - everyone's sense of humor is a bit different. Looking for joke books in OpShops has actually been quite a good hobby. I started when the site was moribund and a new poster wailed 'doesn't anyone know something funny to cheer me up?'.

My parents had a version that book Send, even as a kid I wasn't very interested in it. I suppose it joined the encyclopedia sets and world book annuals in the giant bonfire when I was cleaning out the farm.

"Kids say the darndest things"
Art Linkletter from 1952-1970

Oh Margaret,
I was thinking all those "When I was a kid" thoughts were your own thoughts.

Mwah ha ha.


These "when I was a kid" comments remind me of those clickbait articles "15 reasons for....", although one or two might really be things kids believe most of it sounds like stuff adults made up in order to fill the page (or book). I mean seriously, that last one was especially ludicrous.

When I was a kid I thought that :

After I got ‘a frog in your throat’, the frogs moved down to my tummy and still lived there.

If you put your hands in the air, you couldn’t be killed. That was why people on TV put their hands up whenever someone pulled a gun on them.

The time that I had to phone a company’s service line, and they put me on hold, and some music started playing, the operator had got out her recorder and was playing it for me over the phone.

You know what the worst part about a rectal thermometer is?

.... the taste.

When I was a kid I thought that:

Toothpaste was made from spare teeth, like tomato paste was made from tomatoes.

Being sentenced to death meant that you had to write the same sentence over and over again until you died.

I heard my parents talking about a baby boom, and I thought that some babies had started exploding.

It’s interesting to see cultural differences in humor. I realised that the last Irish joke I liked was similar to one I have remembered for years.

The other day: ‘That fellow could start a fight in an empty church’.
The old one: ‘Lovely strong tea. You could trot a mouse on it.’

However I can’t quite get why they are similar – can you?

This is adult rated humour.

I've had it hard ever since I was ten
and at almost 64, it still gets hard again. :)

Don't mind the comments Yoda. You got screwed and it was a good thing. I hope it happens more often.

My husband and I have to make dates, or else our busy schedules will get in the way.

I don't know if there's sex in heaven, so get all you can while you're here.

Yoda got told! Just kidding............this is the joke site after all.

I got a book of ‘Irish Jokes’ from the last Op Shop. It’s absolutely appalling, every ‘ist’ there is. I’ll rescue a couple bearable ones before I junk it:

She said ‘That fellow could start a fight in an empty church’. (I quite like that one)

Young Sean asked ‘Ma, will you buy me an encyclopedia’. Reply: “No you can walk to school like the other children.’

A member of the Irish rugby team goes home with a bleeding ear. He says to his mother ‘I’m worried, I don’t even know whose ear it was’.

That’s enough!

You have my sympathy, Yoda, but this is a Joke site and I can’t quite see the joke. Perhaps the General site would be better.


The insurance people finally approved my wife's new pain medicine, but the pharmacy waited until we called about it again to fill it. They should fill a prescription like this as soon as it is approved and notify the person of that.

Also, she gets her Covid shot tomorrow afternoon, but I have to wait until March since I'm not 65, but have underlying conditions.

More 'when I was a kid' ...

'I just assumed that people got over bad habits by going somewhere where all they ate was cold turkey.

'I used to believe that the guy who lost the presidential election became the Vice President.

'When I was three I used to love peas. My mother sang ‘Silent Night’ at bedtime, and I thought that ‘sleep in heavenly peace’ meant going to sleep with peas that you could eat if you got hungry in the night.

'I thought that birds had special things on their feet so that they could stand on power lines without getting electrocuted.

Hope things get better soon for you and your wife, Yoda.

Sendhelp, yes that's true and I'm still with you for better or worse. :)

When I was a kid, I was so shy that I created a faux friend with the same name as me, but with a British accent.

Sendme LOL!

Polar said:
"Yoda, I understood CW's joke the same way you did. The couple were going to have their last reunion and die in bliss. What a way to go!"

Apparently, this did not work for Yoda...he is still with us.

Gershun, now I am grown up I think that men are dogs and women are catty.

Just kidding, not all of them anyways.

Gershun, me too !!!

When I was a kid I used to believe the dogs were boys and cats were girls.

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