My 26 yr old grandson is having surgery on his brain today to hopefully cure his epilepsy. There will be a series of things happening all week long. He so wants to get his life back which has been put on hold because of this. His first Grand mal was at age19. After years of treatment his neurologist felt he had done what he could. So now he is with a specialist and this is where we are. So, I would appreciate all the prayers that you can give.
Hugs grandma!
God is indeed able, and will hold our LOs in Heavenly Care.
Thank you for posting this.
Yes, I will pray for your grandson as well as wisdom and guidance for the surgeon and surgical team. I pray the result of the surgery will be a cure.
Also, I will pray for you and your family to have the strength and peace as you await the time he is in surgery. I know this is a very stressful and anxious time for you all.
"Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for You - He is our peace! Song based off 1 Peter 5:7
Sending you a hug! Please let the forum know as soon as you hear anything!!