
When you first see signs of aging, your first instinct may be to panic. But there's nothing to be afraid of! There's plenty you can do to fight off aging's effects. In this article, you'll find some great suggestions that will help you cope with the many ways that aging changes you.

Skip the heavy makeup and powders every now and then. Although they make us look lovely for the short term, they are contributing to the aging of your skin. Makeup generally hurts the skins ability to hydrate and stay elastic. Give your skin a break and take a few days off a week from more than just a slip of lip gloss.

As we age, everyday things such as bending over to pick things up or everyday activities like putting groceries in the car can become painful chores. Pain from arthritis and many other effects of aging can really make life difficult. While you are working on diet, supplementation and fitness to alleviate the condition, don't be afraid to ask for help while shopping or doing other everyday chores. You deserve it!

Switch away from real dairy to dairy substitutes like soy or almond milk. There have been quite a few studies linking dairy products with aging skin. If you want to avoid wrinkles as you age, put down the dairy. The substitutes that are on the market are healthy and tasty so give them a shot.

One of the best things that you can do in order to slow down the aging process in your body is to eat fish. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that are proven to be beneficial to skin. With that said, try to add seafood to your diet as it is both nutritious and tasty.

When aging, there is nothing more important than your personal health. If you feel good, consider what you have been doing and find ways to continue the momentum. If you feel mediocre, look for ways you can personally improve your health. If you feel sick, seek help and do so right away.

Have your hormone levels checked regularly as you age. You will want to have your doctor run standardized tests to be sure that your levels are where they should be. Taking hormone replacement or supplements may be the fix to the way that you have been feeling if you have been feeling bad.

Faze out the junk food. You are what you eat, and eating junk will lead to a very unhealthy aging process. In fact, not shockingly, many studies show that humans that eat more pure, healthy foods live longer and healthier lives. Cut out the junk food and concentrate on choosing healthy alternatives.

Don't waste too much of your time worrying about aging. Relax and enjoy life instead! This article will help take away the stresses of aging and let you have fun instead. And now that you're more relaxed, you'll be looking and feeling younger even before you put these tips into practice.

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I agree hormone replacement is not a good idea at all for anyone. Fish is good. Real fish, not fish sticks of minced fish. Rainbow trout is good.

BrightBod, good ideas on your list. One item I would avoid is hormone replacement [which you suggest on your list] for both men and women, it's been proven that these replacements could aid in the development of cancer.

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