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Yes but it’s not a good idea to linger in a hospital because of hospital acquired infections etc.

especially when you live in a palace that can accommodate medical personnel.

It would be a facelift. I think she is a heavy drinker and rumored long time smoker and her face has fallen big time in the last few years.

but I don’t think that’s it since a facelift doesn’t require 14 days in hospital

Abdominal hysterectomy with a complication such as endometriosis growing into other places.

Bowel resection.

In patient mental health services where abdominal surgery is a cover.

Cosmetic surgery, though I personally don’t put much faith in this one.

Fun fact, December 28th a royal motorcade went from Sandringham to hospital at night. Video is on twitter taken by man on the street.

SP gave me the giggles.

In my estimation wouldn't take a few days, any cosmetic cleanup, and wouldn't be done close to home. Just my guess. But like we said, we can speculate.

The princess works out and eats healthy.
I’d be thrilled to look like her . If I looked like her I wouldn’t be going under the knife .
I don’t look like her and I’m not willing to go under the knife unless medically necessary . Maybe that’s because I know all the things that can go wrong .
I’ve also seen some bad facelifts .


I said that to my daughter and daughter in law , we were texting about it yesterday . But they both said No she’s very thin .
My daughter in law said hysterectomy is the rumor going around . My DIL has friends in London.

I saw pix of her at church around Christmas, and she looked very flat-tummied. Maybe it was Spanx.

In this instance, a nurse, a doctor, someone who writes about medical issues, or the fly on the wall.


I bet it's a tummy tuck.


Both of them could have their surgeries in Buckingham Palace if they wanted to. The place has a fully-functional hospital on the premesis.

As for the world needing to know about King Charles and his health issues. He's the King of England. He's the head of state over there and that's how they do it.

No one is announcing what her surgery is. Buckingham Palace will release whatever statement she agrees to have them release.

As for you saying she is entitled. She sure is.

Who qualifies as "medical people" in your estimation?

I remember when former first lady Melania Trump went in for kidney surgery a few years ago. She came out of the hospital two cup sizes bigger.

My guess is she's probably in for a tummy-tuck and some cosmetic detailing. The woman had three kids. No woman has a totally flat, rock-hard tummy after having kids. Even though pretty much all Kate does all day is work out and get waited on, you don't see that flat, tight tummy after having kids unless a doctor gives it to you. It's kind of like dropping your car off to be detailed.
They wash it, wax it, shampoo the interior, Simonize it, top off the fluids, and give it a tune up. That takes a few days.
Kate went in for some detailing.

I have had pelvic reconstruction consisting of cauterization of parts of the bladder lining, a bladder lift using slings, and repair of a hole in my urethra with tissue from a cadaver. The operation took a few hours. I went home that day with a catheter still placed and had an amazingly comfortable evening and night. The catheter was removed in the doctor's office the next day. This was fairly extensive surgery, yet I still went home the same day. Even though I'm way older than Catherine, my recovery went well and I was able to resume normality within a few days (with some restrictions).

I've also had a hysterectomy. I was in the hospital 5 days for that, and when I got home, I drove the kids' carpool on the 7th day after my operation. No help at home, no problem managing things there. So this is why I am concerned about the princess and think there is something far more serious going on.

She's in a private hospital and they have oodles of money, the hospital experience for you and I is not the same as for people like that no matter where you live,

Alva, I'm thinking as you do. I was thinking hysterectomy at first, but as soon as two weeks in hospital was mentioned, I smelled a rat. Not a real rat, but something scurrying around hiding under the royal seal.

Any of the royal residences have rooms that could be made into a rehab hospital suited to the Princess's illness and condition. She'd be near her family and have her own cook.

Since they're keeping her in the hospital, I have to suspect an infection or other condition where they don't want her around so many others and where they can move fast in any necessary medical direction to save her.

It's so odd, because on Tuesday I happened to be looking at a photo of Catherine and the thought flashed into my mind that it would be really tragic if she died young. Why I would flash upon this at that moment, I don't know other than in the back of my mind as that fleeting thought arrived was what happened to Diana.

I wish the beautiful Princess of Wales a speedy recovery, whatever it is. The world needs her bright presence.

I find that she, unlike her SIL, seems to be quiet and probably does not want her health problems out there. She is entitled. Charles will be operated on about the same time, him for prostate. Like the world needs to know that. Remember this is a different health system too. Are heath system throws out patients too soon. If I too was only in the hospital a short time with my last child. If they had kept me one more day, they would have found the baby was jaundice. I have DHs hospital bill, my MIL was in a week and so was my mother.

Can I get that too, including her beautiful hair? I hope Medicare covers it.

Oh, surely she doesn't!! The Princess and the Pee? Nuh-unh.

I think they keep royalty in the hospital longer than the rest of us for things .
They kept Princess Diana in for a week when she had her boys , I was bounced out in 47 hours after my second .

Not really.
If they are expecting this long of a hospitalization, then the Princess is quite ill.
That they are not giving details is telling in itself.

This could be ANYTHING from a diverticulitis that actually is leaking (they don't all burst, surprisingly, but if they do it is instant sepsis) to just about anything else. They deny a cancer, which is the most common reason someone has to stay in hospital for managed treatments for any amount of time these days.

Again, it surprises me they don't just opt for honesty. The world would wish her well. Give periodic updates that are truthful. She's a public figure who is on track to be the Queen of England.
This not only comforts the public and allows them to send strength to the family, but it prevent our speculation.

Now, done this way, speculation is the norm and inevitable.
And of course secrecy won't really last.

I surely do wish this lovely woman well. She's kind of the epitome of what they ask their queens to be.

Hysterectomy ??
I was only in a few days for mine , but I’m not royalty.

OR how about a bladder lift ? maybe that’s why it’s so hush . They don’t want us to know she pees.

The royal chip in her brain needs to be replaced and it takes at least 2 weeks to download her entire life onto the new chip (that's a lotta gigabytes).

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