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Update: I can access my profile now, so problem solved. Thanks, Admins!


The poster theresalanina has put this same nonsense on multiple posts. I reported a many but there's too many. Please remove them all.

It's been a long time since we've had a spam attack, I thought the site bots had eliminated that possibility and they were a thing of the past.

Is anyone else having it take forever to load their news feed? Regular pages are just fine for me but my feed just sits there loading. and loading. and loading (yawn), even if I was there 2 seconds before that.

Hi, I am unable to change my icon pic. Have noticed others have changed theirs - so maybe just me? I have changed it before.. have I exceeded a limit?

Maybe it's a problem with the new picture you've chosen, have you tried just going back to the default icon?

Good Morning Cwillie! It's too early for me to get up, but thought I would jump in here and try to help Beatty by adding info.

So, hello Beatty! I tried changing my avatar to see if it works.
Have some cake. 🎂

Keep in mind the watchword or fix has often been to change your passwords.

As for newsfeed taking time to load, I got the arrow circling just now.

Going back to sleep now. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Beatty, have you logged out and then back in? Rebooted? I doubt it's the icon because they're so small but you can try resaving it as a different type of file (jpeg, pdf, jnp) as well as saving it at a smaller file size. It may be your local internet is bogged down and not performing properly.

I'm not changing my icon. Best picture of me ever taken.

Please correct my profile page. The ‘oops kitty’ has shown up.

Thanks for your help.

I can't access my profile page, either.

Need I can get your profile page now whereas this a.m. I could not.
Lots of kittens and lots of spinning, and one time when the site poofed and I had to go out and back in. I always have to log in now even tho I do the remember me thing. But overall have been having lots better luck of late here.

I got my profile back!

Thanks, Alva.

Yay! My Whoops kitty is gone now. I always have to log in too. The ‘remember me’ button doesn’t make any difference. It logs me out.

I just got the Whoops kitty page when I tried to go to my Profile page.

Is anyone else having a problem this morning?

Nope, everything is fine for me

Hi all,

The team's aware of this sporadic issue with profile pages. Thanks for your patience as we work to fix it.


I had the kitty a while back but it’s okay now.

My problem has been fixed. Thanks, AgingCareCM!

Admins, I just got a PM trying to solicit me for a scam.

I don't see any way to report this so I'm posting it here hoping you'll block them and remove this PM from my account. Thanks.

I have the same message as Geaton. Mine posted 7 hours ago and I am also requesting to have it removed from my private messages.


I'm sure the Rev has flooded the forum. You do know you have the option to report a PM, right? Use the three dots in the upper right. And to contact Aging Care directly scroll to the bottom of the page and use the About AgingCare link, then Contact Us.


When I clicked on the rev’s profile, it only showed him connected to 1 message.

And no, I have never noticed the three dots before. Thank you. would have been much easier.

I received this scam message last night via PM, reported it to admin, and they removed it from my page. What I wonder is why the scammers profile is still up on AC???

Hi all,
Thank you for flagging this. Moderators noticed these spam messages and immediately blocked that member from the forum this morning. Their account and profile are no longer active, and their posts (including messages) should no longer appear anywhere on the site.
I'm also going to remove their copy/pasted spam message in your posts below so it doesn't perpetuate their scheme.
If you notice anything else spammy or suspicious in the forum, please continue to use the report button, private message this admin account, or use the contact us form.

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