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9 August 2023

I see:
suddenly today AC fixed the Questions: edit is back, as well as names/avatars/dates.

I haven’t noticed new font. I am now seeing names on posts! Yay!

I am using an apple iPhone.

It's about time they fixed the issues that have been going on here for many weeks, don't ya think?

The only thing we’re also waiting for, is the blue man thing we all keep clicking. We want that changed too, please.

From the tech team: Avatars, reply dates and edit functionality are fixed. Thank you to the folks who were gracious and kind to us while we were doing our work.

Some users have had issues when requesting a password reset link, we've not been able to reproduce this bug on demand. If you do experience it, please send an email to us from the page. That timestamp will help us track down what was going on when the issue occurred.

As a reminder, you can hide the "blue man" icon from your screen by clicking it, clicking "move/hide widget", scrolling down some more and selecting "indefinitely" and then clicking the "hide widget" button.

IMPORTANT: if you clear cache/delete cookies/use an incognito browser or a new device to view the site, you'll need to make these selections again to hide the widget.

The widget is required to meet the needs of our users with disabilities. We cannot just get rid of it across the board, each user must elect to hide it and save their preference.

Have a good week, everyone.

At least on my Android phone, in the "questions" section, I STILL can't see names when replies are made.

If you're still not seeing avatars on questions pages, I recommend clearing your cache/deleting cookies. You can Google search instructions for this for your particular device and browser.

Still waiting to get a response on editing post sent to tech team via private message. It's been weeks; not sure what to make of that. Doesn't seem like it matters at this point? Not everything has been fixed.

FYI- Edit functionality is available for 30 minutes after something is posted, after 30 minutes, the option to edit disappears. If you're still having problems with this, your device has likely stored a version of the page from before the fix. We recommend clearing your cache/deleting cookies.

This may help someone....about 2 hours ago I logged on and was pleasantly surprised to see everything fixed. And then about an hour ago, avatars and time stamps were AGAIN missing, even though the AC team had updated in this message that all was fixed.

I left the forum in frustration, returning right now to see that it is once again fixed, and no, I did nothing to clear my cache or delete cookies.....I have a feeling this is going to be a "work in progress"....

The widget does have useful functions.

I have tried to delete it because I keep accidentally clicking on it.

Even if it goes away temporarily, it continually pops back up, so I have learned to ignore it! LOL 😆

The same thing happens when I try to relocate it to another section of my screen. He keeps returning back to where he was before.

Did you sign out when you left betty?

cwillie, I did not sign out. In fact, I did not even leave my computer, I just turned my attention to a different website (ok, I actually went back to working like I should have been all along...). Then when I returned to the AC page, which I have in my favorites, it was working. No signing out/signing in.


Thanks for fixing the avatars!

We appreciate it!

Now if only AC would remove the annoying first 2 messages from them that appear on the top of our news feed that have been there since April and we all ignore now anyways, that would be GREAT!!!

Please feel free to remove this posting. I believe most of us are tired of seeing it come up in our newsfeeds.

AC, hiding the blue guy doesn't work.

On my MacBook I can now see the poster's names and avatars, and have an edit button.

Bettty, me too the avatars weren't there and then they were. I never sign out.

Is anyone else having trouble seeing messages or posts?


I can see them.

Have you tried clearing your cache/cookies, then signing out and back in exhausted?

I was reading a post yesterday and then it disappeared along with the avatars of some of the commenters. Does that mean the website removed the thread? From what I gathered, the poster has history of instigating/provoking others here. Also, can people change their avatar-name after signing up? A tad confused how things work around here!


Some posters have changed their names several times!

Exhausted, if the word "anonymous" is now in place of a responders name, they have been suspended probably for a week. One post got pretty heated.

JoAnn, thank you! Yes, I'm seeing several anonymous and wondering what the heck happened. When a post gets heated like that, does that mean it gets removed from the site?

Need, how do people change their site name? Someone had asked that previously in the archives and it worked for them following steps to change. I don't see that option under my account sub-tab. Has that been removed?


Some people just use a different email address or they ask AC administrators about changing their screen name. I don’t know any other options.

Some don’t want to register with a different email address because they don’t want to lose their private messages.

Hi all,

This morning the tech team released several items for the forum. We fixed a bug where HTML tags were showing up in the actual text of posts. We also updated how email subscriptions work on the back end and made an improvement to moderator tools. Have a good holiday weekend, everyone.

Why can we no longer see WHO liked our posts?

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