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hey girls, don't forget I like Donna now only have my Mom. She makes me very nervous at times, you have to walk on egg shells around her because she can never reacts calmly to anything, she has to be dramatic and blow up at the stupidest things. At least my dad isn't getting the abuse.
I think when your parents keep you close like mine did it is hard to let go, I tried to move to other cities or states and they were always soon to follow, offering to help but also controlling the situation.
I also believe that prayers do get answered I did alot of praying when my dad was in the hospital but I do believe that sometimes the answer is right there for us to figure out and not in the need of God to figure out.
Cindi good luck on your new way of eating!
Hope everyone is having an awesome day. oxoxoxo Judy

Dear Dani,

I take all advice. It can never hurt. And I appreciate all your thoughts for me. I feel so comforted here.

Donna, I too, feel the closest to you in all ways. Even though you don't have a sick dad living with you, its your mom who is the real problem. I met an old friend tonite and talked with her about an hour, only to find out, that she said I never had any friends because of my mom. It was very hard for me to explain to her that years ago, my mom was my best friend and now I hate her. I think that it's hard for me to understand the feelings I have for her now. It is also hard to hear what other people always thought of you when you have been a caregiver forever. I was hurt in some ways, but knew everything she said was true.

I bought the book that my counselor said to get, which was CO-DEPENDENT NO MORE. I guess I never figured I was the one that was co-dependent. I haven't got too far into the book, but I never felt myself as a controlling person, I always thought I was trying to solve every one's problem so they would be happy.

Donna, I too, like you pray, but get no answer. I don't know what I believe in any more. If there is a God, which I do believe there is one, I think he lets you figure it out on your own. It's part of the learning experience. I have screamed to God for help and never get an answer.

I love you Donna for being there and being funny. I need funny in my life right now and what comes out your mouth is funny to me because it is the exact same thing I would say.

Love to all, and I never forgot about all of you, even though I do not mention all of you by name. I think of you everyday.

Judy, hope you are hanging in there. Sha, hope your mom went and visit your aunt for you to get a break. Wish my mom had a sister to visit. No body wants her.


Donna-- Turn to yourself. I am religious. I am a Catholic. But let me say that my religion comes and goes. Sometimes I put God on a shelf. I know this is wrong, but I can't help it. I sometimes wonder if my religion is born out of need. Is God really listening?

One person I have come to trust is myself. Not always, but "when the going gets tough, I get going" kind of attitude.

When my husband was in the hospital-- 21 days in intensive care, and another two weeks afterwards, when he almost died like four times, from waiting for the surgery, from having the surgery (5-hour brain surgery) from the subsequent post surgical hazards of the condition of a brain aneurysm, & from a staph infection that threatened his life again, I felt as though someone had siphoned all the life out of me, and left me to die. Here was my best friend in the universe on death's door, and very little support I had. I won't go into details, but not a lot of anyone came to my assistance. I had to go it alone. But I found a strength within I didin't know I had. Maybe it came from God, then maybe it did not, I don't know.

So, while I don't have my mom living with me like some of you do, I do know the isolation that comes from confronting a dire situation, a life-threatening situation, and feeling like no one, even God, is listening.

No man is an island. I know that. But you can rise up to a level you probably didn't think you were capable of, if you only believe in yourself. And don't forget God. I think he is listening-- at least sometimes, maybe. Much luv, Dani~

Hi everyone, well, ssdd. I have nothing new to say. Cindi, i am proud of your accomplishments. keep up the good work. Marylynne, of all the people here, i think i understand your feelings more than most. My mother makes me nuts too. i truly do not like the old woman. she like dani's mom, is totally different from me in every way, thus, she has something to say about everything i do, always whatever i do is wrong. now my birthday is coming up next week, and she is wanting to give me some kind of gift and wants me to take her shopping to buy it. i dont need anything, and dread going shopping with her. but, i am sure it is imminent. I would like to get away from it all too. i would like to run away and forget that i have responsibilities, but instead, i stay here and listen to the bs that she puts out. I went to get a prescription filled for glasses for my oldest son who is incarcerated. He needs them. She told my other son while i was gone that i should buy him some glasses too, if i were going to buy some for his brother. now, my younger son is angry with me, because she told him he should be. good gosh i am miserable. dont know who i can turn to with all this. Prayer is sometimes comforting, but doesnt seem to help that much. I know He is listening, guess i will wait and see what his answer is. I am sure that his answer must be that i am strong enought to handle this, or else he would have sent relief by now. love to all, donna

I hope everyone had a great weekend. It sounds like you're taking positive steps with your Curves, Cindi.


Forgive me if I give too much advice. It's one of my weaknesses, giving unsolicited advice. :) So it's okay if you tell me to shut up and sit down, and that I don't know what I'm talking about. I won't be offended, really.

It sounds to me like you definitely, definitely need a break from your parents, who have pushed you to the brink. I hope your counselor can help you find some middle ground. If there is a way to work out a few days away from your parents, take it. You need to step back from your problem (your parents) so you can see them in a different way, and find a compromise. I think if you do this, you might be able to be around them some of the time, just not all of the time. You can't let them destroy your life, though.

I know my mom pretty well, but I also know my limits. I would be 100% certifiable if I moved her in with me. Not only would I wind up in the asylum, divorce would be imminent. I am being perfectly serious. And she would not like living with me any better than I would with her. We have nothing in common except that she happens to me by mother. A few examples-- I'm a realist tending toward optimism. She not only sees the glass as "half empty," she's looking to break it. She's a right wing conservative, politically, and I'm a moderate to left wing liberal. Our religious beliefs are different. And, I'm very tolerant of different lifestyles, cultures, religions, etc, but she is not. Heck, we don't even like the same foods. Her taste is very bland. I like spicy Mexican and Oriental cuisine. I could go on and on, but you get the picture-- her moving in with me would be the end of both of us.

You are doing the right thing seeking professional help. Also, please don't put a "guilt trip" on yourself for the way you feel about your parents right now. As a person who is looking at your situation objectively, I'm telling you, you aren't thinking clearly right now. They have driven you to the brink, and you can no longer be objective. Find a way, with the help of your counselor, to step away for awhile, so you can put things in a new, clear light. Much luv, Dani~

Dear Cindi,

so glad that you are pumped up. Keep that pump going.

I, on the other hand, am just trying to figure out, how do I tell the parents I love that I do not want to be around them any more at all. I want to wake up and do what I want to do and not what has to be done for some one else. Yesterday it was the physical therapist, today the nurse. The odd thing, you know that back pain my mom has every day, she don't have it when something else is going on here.

All mind over matter. Its truly her, I can't stand and I really can't stand him either. Counselor, tomorrow.

I think I need a break from everyone and every thing.


Hi Everyone!

It is so weird when there are no recent postings here. I thought I would break the no posting trend. Even if I don't write I do read like a few have said here and I feel kinda lonely when nothing is here...(ha ha)...

I started my six week food program based on a curves diet yesterday. I survived one day! Today my mother is making some delicious chinese soup that I love and I am dying here. I have only six weeks before surgery so I MUST lose this weight! My gf Diane is also going on it so it helps. Today for the first time in so long I actually walked a mile and a half! I am jazzed and proud of myself. I did have to sit down once for a few minutes. Did the walk with Diane who is my curves routine workout friend. She walks all the time and was shocked when I called her at 6:30 am and said wanna walk?

Today Dad has an appt for an EEG with the neurologist. He had his swallow study done and it was negative. He can swallow fine...a bit delayed but fine. It was done cause the doctor wondered if dad had problems with it because of all clearing of his throat and grunting after meals. A chest xray was done will find out results today. I kind of think that the eeg might not be necessary. Will be there for over an hour. Mom just walked in and said I could have some of the soup...I said I can't! Food program is very strict and the first week is the time when you lose the most weight!

Have a beautiful day...

Donna quote: "I am not the b-type, I am the ding-a-ling that goes along with everything, then gripes to you all." Ha!Ha! You comment is so hilarious. Your expression is honest, & full of humor. I so try to look for the humorous side of life. That post made my day! xoxo, Dani

BOOMER SOONERS!!!! HI GIRLS, not much going on here today, just trying to rest up from the horrible day yesterday. now as i try to read these postings and sent this message she is here aggravating me. i am not the b type, i am the ding a ling that goes along with everything then gripes to you all. l wish sometimes i would be a bit more assertive. i just do not like confrontations, so usually just cuss under my breath, and go on. that too is damaging, as it makes my b/p go up like a kite. and maria, i took care of people for years too, but, 24/7 is a different thing than seeing them for an hour a day. I find now that i hate old people. (lol, as i am one too) oh anyway hope all of you have a really great day or at least a decent one. donna

IMO, you don't have to be a "b" when asserting yourself. It's not a choice between being a "good" girl, and being a bad/mean one. My example of how I dealt with my mother was not how I usually deal with her. Things had just reached a boiling point, like I said, so I went off. I truly believe the old saying that "you get more flies with honey than vinegar." So, be sweet, Judy. Just don't be a pushover. :) Hope you have a great day, too. Much luv, Dani~

I guess its alot better having a reputation of being a good girl then a" B " And the people that know me would really think something was wrong if I changed LOL so I guess I will stay the sweet person i am LOL
Donna garage sale had one of those earlier this year did pretty good. As for mom let it fly right over your head.
Cindi hope you enjoyed your time out.Maria, GO COWBOYS! haven't watched a game in a long time but they have always been me and my husband's favorite team. To Dani, Austin, Sha, and Marylynne hope you have had a great day ! oxoxoxo Judy

Maria-- If standing up to my mom is being the b-word, then count me as one, lol! My mother and I had a turning-point-in-our-relationship moment about two years ago. She was still living at home-- this was before moving to the assisted living, and then to an active senior residence. Anyhoo, she was still living at home and I was taking her to most of her doctor's appointments. Occasionally, she enlisted a friend of hers to take her, since I lived about an hour away, but mostly I was doing it. One day I had to take her in to a cancer specialist that was going to run an overnight procedure on her, and this was the appointment where he explained the procedure. Unfortunately, he got called into emergency surgery and we had to wait in the waiting room for an hour and a half. Most of his patients rescheduled, but mom really had to see him that day, since she was scheduled for the surgery in a few days. She tried like heck during that hour and a half in the waiting room to persuade me to go back with her in consultation with the doctor. I didn't want to do it, because I knew if I did she would want me in the exam room every time she went to the doctor from that point out, and there was no reason for me to get that involved. To make a long story short, after the nurse got her settled in the doctor's office (we were still waiting for him to return from surgery) she sent out a nurse to fetch me back there, even after I had told her in no uncertain terms I didn't want to go. A row ensued when I got back there. I was so loud, and yelling (I had reached the boiling point) that I know every nurse in the office heard me. The outcome, though, was she knew, from that moment on, I was not afraid of her, or confronting her, or setting my boundaries. You roc, "b"! (that's me) Dani~

I scream alot too when watching a favorite team! Go Dodgers!
Today we are all going out. Husband, dad, me and sister to Los Angeles Chinatown where we will have dimsum (favorite thing to eat there) and do some shopping (mom is) maybe for the upcoming holidays.

Tonight she is suppose to go to the Indian Gaming Casino an hour away with brother. Hopefully she can have enough energy for both. She loves to play lotto and slot machines! That is her one happiness. She wants to win big so she can have a house again with servants! laughing...cause she is gonna need to hire servants for what I do...(unpaid servant here)...Should be a nice day I think for us all.

Love to all and enjoy your Sunday.

Donna, glad that u have room now for your car. I have been giving stuff away on freecycle. The only bad thing is, u get a lot of emails wanting whatever u have. You know, my mom used to be so negative I couldn't stand it. Now that she has dementia, she has changed. I give thanks to God that she did cause I don't think I could have taken it. That is why my relationship with her is calm. I am not saying that I don't feel like pulling my hair sometimes but it all goes with her disease. Like I said, after 30 years of taking care of other people, I think that I can take care of my mom now. Luv u, Maria

Judy, don't be upset. Sometimes I think that it is nice to have good manners. I, for one, don't. Lol
Dani, u sound like me. I have always said that I am a bitch and proud of it. Like Judy, I wouldn't say anything after getting hurt. Not anymore. I felt dumb being nice to someone who had hurt me personally but when it comes to my parents or kids, I would speak up. So why couldn't I do it for myself? Now the only friends I have are the ones who know me very good and if other people don't care for me, I am better off without them. By the way, I am not saying that you are a bitch, lol.
Cindy, as parents we will always worry about our kids. We wish we could wrap them up in our arms and never let go. Unfortunally, we can't do that. We have to let them go and live their own lives. That doesn't mean that we won't be there for them when they need us. I thought I was done worrying so much about my children but now it is my grandchildren I worry about. That is the cycle of love I guess.
Everyone have a great day. I hope mine is great since Cowboys are playing today! Win or lose, they are still my team! None of u would like to be with me watching them, I scream too much, lol.
Luv u guys, Maria

Donna, glad your garage sale was a success and that you can fit in your car now. Sounds like your mother thinks you have gone off the deep end since you are not paying attention to her. Funny how she tells your bf to do something. Can see my mother doing something like that.
Marylynne, good for you that you want change for you. And, you are right too bad for them. It can feel like you are alone and husband doesn't care when he goes off and has fun and you can't.
Judy, you are doing fine just as you are. You have set your boundaries when needed. You can't help it that you are a kind person. It's a good thing we just need to make sure we aren't doing it over ourselves.
Maria about my daughter yes, it is a good thing and a first step. I think she has a good head on her shoulders and will be okay. She just has some issues that need to be addressed as many of us do...throughout life actually. But, as a mom we are concerned when we see them struggling with anything.
Austen, Miak, Sha thinking about you all. Hoping Sha is having a good time for all of us!


Hi everyone. i have been super busy the last few days. finally had the garage sale,and glory be! there is room for my car in the garage at last. My mother has been a constant aggravation thruout this ordeal. I didnt want to do this in the first place, but so much stuff that i didnt know what to do with or need. (tools that my husband had, some very expensive, but going to waste sitting unused)
a couple of days ago, i started a list of negative things my mother said and of positive things she said. I gave up after 3 pages of negativity, and only two entries on the positive side, both of them concerning my nephew and my sister in law. she is constantly telling me what my son is doing wrong and that i should make him behave. (the man is 42, i cannot control an adult) today, he was drinking, not my idea of a great thing either, but, what can anyone do to stop someone who is hell bent on self destruction? anyway, she tattled to me all day long on and on and on. if she were another kid tattling, i would sooner or later lose my temper and bust their asses, but, with a mean old woman, what do you do? i did lose it this afternoon, and told her i was tired of the tattling and whining and i didnt want to hear anymore. i went out into the garage to put away some things that didnt sell. when i did this, she told my bf that he needed to do something with ME? i am at the end of my rope and i think it is raveling quickly. lots of good advice dani, but, too late for me. i cant put her in an assisted living place now, she is too nutty. i have to put up with her for financial reasons. If i had known a few years ago what i know now, i would have ran screaming backwards, because unlike marylynne, i am one of those selfish people you talk about, and i want things for me me me!!!! i want freedom of this old witch. but unfortunately, every morning she wakes up. i am now thinking that there will never be a day the rest of my existence (notice i didnt say life, as i dont have one) that i wont have to put up with her. my only hope is that i can ignore her enough to get by. cindi, thinking of u hope the daughter can find comfort in what the counselor says. Marylynne, hang in there, we still gonna run away soon. judy, sounds like you are doing better, glad to hear it. My two sweet marias, miss you both sha, hope the trip is great. think of all of us. love to all, Donna


I think it's okay to be a softee. I mean, I wouldn't want to be known as a hardee, lol, but some might consider me so. I do think that being kind is important to one's self-image. I think most people want to think of themselves as a kind person, not a meanie. Who wants to be a meanie? I bet if you asked the meanies if they thought they were mean, they would say "No way."

But I do think if you cave often, and don't set your limits, you become a doormat, or a punching bag, that some take advantage of. I don't think most people in this world are kind. I think that most people are out for themselves, and are greedy, and want whatever they can get out of life at the expense of kind people like you. Sorry if this sounds cynical. I guess I am a cynic. Too many negative experiences with people. There was one point in my life where I practically gave up on humanity, but some very kind people (like you) restored my faith. :) Still, I am not a trusting person. Some might consider me a hardnose, but I don't think so. I think of myself as more of a realist. I do try to give people a chance before I judge them, though. Much luv, Dani~

you know the problem I have is that I'm a softy. Even though people have treated me wrong and my dad wrong I still treat them with respect. Why? I should be upset with them, state my mind but NOOOOOO! I'm a push over. I am MS. Manners, I hardly have a mean bone in my body. I should picture them as all having my mother's face then maybe I would have a backbone. I am upset with myself. Judy

btw, welcome. You give sound advice, hoping some of us will take it.

Judy, glad that u are doing ok but don't be surprised if it hits u later.

Cindi, glad that u too are doing ok and glad that your daughter told u her feelings. That is a good step.

Sha, have a wonderful time!

Marylynne, here's hoping that the counselor will help you.



You are not stupid, just having a bad day & beating up on yourself a bit. You are a warm and caring person who puts others before yourself. There are not many of your kind in this world. :)

Have you ever heard the "well" analogy? We all have a well full of our emotions. If you are the type of person who lets people take from you, and take from you, and they can't or won't give anything back, you may go to the well one day and it's empty. As others have said on this blog, you have to set boundaries. This keeps your well from going dry. As Cindi put it, we all have limits as to what we can do. You have worth, and that worth should be preserved. If you've done all you can do for your parents, but you've reached your limit, it's time to take a different path-- one that will protect yourself. Otherwise, the well runs dry and you're no good to anyone, including your parents. I think what would be a greater harm to your parents is not allowing yourself to be you, a human being that has her limits. If your parents were younger, weren't sick, and could give you rational advice, I bet they would want the best for you. Not trying to preach here. Much luv, Dani


You are not stupid, just having a bad day

Marylynne, good advice from the counselor I feel. I am not one to say i am sorry, I like the list idea, YES do something FUN !!! and I too could not stop cooking we would starve!!!!! And you are far from stupid!!!
Welcome Dani, I like the advice my situation was when you want to help the parent that you are closest too its a package deal you get mom too. Dad had the health problems first. I have done a great job at ignoring what she says and it works, her words just seem to fall apart because I don't play the game.
Took her to the heart doctor today he said she looks better then the last time and still balled her out for not walking regularly. She just wants to keep taking pills and not have surgery.
thanks again for all your heartfelt messages I am doing alot better then I expected but time will tell, oxoxox Judy


Oh my god, you said it best. I took full responsibility for the way I feel. I know my mother is a constant problem, but it is because I never ever set boundaries for myself. I have never set boundaries with any one in my life. So it is me who has to change and unfortunately for them, I want a complete change. It may take years to do it, but like Austin, I want to try to be different.

I have never blamed this on any one else, but me.... My mother and father is just too much for me to handle any more and I would die before I would hurt their feelings and that is the problem. I don't know if I could live with myself either way, and thats what I need to figure out.

Having a bad day already. Hubby left to go to Nascar races. He never cares whether I am falling apart or not. If its about having fun he is there.

Feeling deserted, and stupid.


Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome.

Cindi-- I so agree with what you said about how you are the only one who can decide what is the right thing to do in a situation like taking a parent in to live with you. You are the only who knows what your limits are. Everyone has different experiences-- how they were brought up, what there relationship with their parents was/is now.

When I was nine, my mother's father came to live with us for a short time before he died of cancer. Although it was never explicitly stated to me and my sister that children were to take in their parents when they became too old and feeble to care for themselves, I know that's what my mother thinks. So, I guess you could say I was raised to think that, although it was not outright stated.

Another thing in play here, though, I think, is the relationship you have, or had with your parents, and also if you are an only child. I think the only child status does make a difference in how you see your duty. A friend of mine is an only child who lost her mother when she was a teenager. Her dad, now in his seventies, recently had a stroke. My friend and her husband moved her father in with them. He lived on the West Coast and she lives on the East. They even built a "father suite" onto their house to accommodate him. When he did move in, her relationship changed, because he changed. She had always seen him as the strong one-- now he was weak. Because he didn't feel well, he was obstinate, grumpy, difficult to deal with. Still, her sense of duty to him was overwhelming, although he frequently put her at wit's end. "Who else was there to be there for him?" she said.

As I said in my previous post, I was never very close to my parents. I always wished I had the kind of close family that was affectionate and warm, but my parents were the opposite. They were good to me and my sister, but there was never much warmth or affection. "Children should be seen and not heard" kind of parents, who sat silent at the dinner table and never asked about what kind of day you had, or what might be going on in kidworld. :) It's hard to create or forge a bond later in life when they need you, if the bond wasn't there growing up.

Sha, sweetie you are including in my posting. Have a super fantabulous time in Vegas with your boyfriend cause girl, you deserve it BIG time!!!

Have a fun and safe time!!!!!!!!!


Marylynne, thanks for telling me to hang in there.
Guess it happens often. Yesterday was just "One of those Days" all day and into the night. I applaud you for being brave and seeking help from the counselor. It is best to tell them as much as you know of what is going on with you...even suicide thoughts...also that you wouldn't cause you have a child. The rubber band thing is a good idea. Taking classes is good, taking off once a week is good (that is what I do). I agree with you about cooking for your parents. Marylynne, hope you don't take this negatively. But, it is not only your mother's fault that you are feeling like is your fault too. If there is to be blame that is...We need to learn how to take better care of ourselves and set our boundaries because it is not just with our parents that we have this problem it resonates in every relationship we have and all people we are in contact with especially those close to us. Really glad you are reaching out to someone who can hopefully help.

BTW welcome and thank you for sharing your story and thoughts. Yes, it is easiest if you never bring your parents into your home especially if they are negative etc. In my case I kept her out as long as I could then I jumped in and decided to take her in full knowing how she can be. It is very tough. We have had our share of arguments the last one being the biggest. But, I have to tell you I feel like I am doing right by her and my best for her. I am truly giving of myself big time and being loving. Not that I don't detest her, resent sometimes can't stand and want to be free...I do. But all in all she hears me now sometimes. She sees what she does when she hurts me and for her that is growth. Only YOU know what you can do can take etc. Only You know in your heart if what you are doing is the right thing and the best thing that YOU can do. We are here to talk candidly about our feelings, and our struggles.

Judy, big hugs to you and your family. I know sometimes the mother's can seem and maybe are such hypocrites. But on some level I really do believe your mother is sad. I know it is in kind of a sick way...I know my mother will be that way too. But when you are together for 47 years it counts for a little something even if the only way you knew to be with them was unhealthy. Put it this way you know for sure she will no longer have Dad to yell at and she will miss that...and then ultimately him. Can't believe about the money spending restriction but then again you know how self centered our mother's can be. Mine probably will do something similar. May your beloved father rest in peace and may the memories carry you throughout life. Know that you were the best thing that was there for him in his hours of need. Rest assure with that knowledge of your gift of love to him.

Donna, hope you are doing alright dear.

Miak, Maria, Austin...thinking bout you too. Many times all we can do is take a minute at a time huh? There is some prayer about a minute someday I will find it and share it with you. On a parting note. I saw my counselor earlier this week. Hadn't seen her cause she had broken her wrist and hip but was advised to see her cause of this upcoming surgery. She is teaching me affirming what and how we want things to be despite the fact that they are not that way. The more we affirm the positive the more positive comes to us. The more we affirm the negative well negativity will come to us. This just might be a strong positive tool especially for us. Today will be a Mother day. Opthalmologist, dermatologist, and Green Thumb the local nursery. Maybe lunch too..hope she treats! Hehe...
Have hubby's car cause my car needs work on it. Sister and Dad will come with us as I take her around. Concerned about my daughter, Jenna cause she told me last night that she feels the effects of my son's death and it has made her more critical of people and feeling isolated. She is going to seek counseling. She didn't want to tell me what was going on with her cause she said I have too much on my plate already. I told her I only have one child alive and I want to know what is going on with her. It pains me to know that she is struggling that way. Funny, three years since his passing and this year is when we have seen the repercussions of his passing. My sister having an emotional/mental breakdown, his girlfriend and mother of my grandkids trying to take her life two times and breaking down...and now my daughter confiding that she doesn't make friends (except with two boys) because she cant relate to the superificialness of girls her age. She longs to be with people of heart. But at that age hard to find cause they themselves are still finding themselves in this world...heck I am still finding my place here!!! It is continuous. I am concerned about her...husband feels she will be alright. I hope he is right. Hate to see the mistakes I made in child rearing and the craziness of the family I grew up with affecting her...but I think it is. I tried to not carry on the chaos and craziness to affect her...but ...

Anyways I am rambling on...didn't sleep's about 6 am here
Sending out Love to all of you.


Hi Girls,
Cindi, sorry about your test. That stinks when you get all prepared and then get cancelled. What a bummer. How have things been with your sister?

Judy, glad to see you back with us. The things you said about your mother remind me of my mother. Now that my Dad is in a nursing home, she has all good things to say about him, but when he was home he was nothing but a jackass to her. It gets under my skin when she gets all teary-eyed when she talks of him when he was well. Too bad she didn't treat him a little nicer back then.

Marylynne, I hope you do take a class. It will do you so much good to get out even once a week. And don't let your mother make you feel guilty for doing something for yourself. Let her talk, who cares? Make yourself happy, some way, some how. Keep up the counceling, I believe it will help you. You are like me, always trying to please people but nobody ever tries to please us, right?

Dani, welcome and thank you for your advice. I do try to follow most of that advice but as you know, it's not always easy. I can identify with you somewhat. My mother never believes anything I tell her but if someone else tells her the same thing, then it's accepted. I've gotten to the point where I don't even try anymore. Then she says stuff like "If you knew, why didn't you tell me?" BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE BELIEVED ME ANYWAY!!!! My mother is also very negitive. I never do anything right and when I do, it's never enough. I hope I never make my only daughter feel the way my mother makes me feel. It's not a good feeling. And then she wonders why her children don't spend time with her.

On a happy note; you won't hear from me for at least a week, I leave Sunday for Vegas with my boyfriend. I will be thinking of you all and hoping you are having better times. I'll still be on-line for today but probably not all weekend.

Love you all,

Dear Girls,

Judy, I am thinking of you, and isn't it just like your mom and my mom after bitching all of these years to say he was her hero. I hope if anything happens to my dad, that my mom rots in hell for the things she says. IT is very kind of you to think of me when you are going through the worse time in your life.

Cindi, Hang in there, the same thing happened to me with a stress test. Didn't have the nuclear medicine needed, had to go back the following week.

Well, I went to my first counseling appt. last night. The counselor was very nice and said I was visibly shaken. I lied and told him I have never thought of suicide, knew where that would place me, but for now, I know I would not take my life because of my child.

He said I am the typical people pleaser. So here was his first words of advice. He wants me to buy a book called "boundaries", he wants me to walk, find a hobby that will take me out of the house at least one night a week and he wants me to make a list of everything I do for my parents and take one thing off the list per month to ween them from me just a bit. Very good ideas, but he wants me to stop cooking for them. I can't do that. I cook anyway.

At any rate, He wants me to count how many times a day I say I am sorry to someone. I did that today, I am up to 10. Next week, he wants me to wear a rubberband around my wrist and snap it every time I say I am sorry, when I didn't do any thing. Ideas are good, but I feel stupid. I will try, because I am that desperate.

Think I will look for a flower arranging class or cake decorating or just plain take a class on something. I am overwhelmed this week and can hardly get by. All the muscles in my neck have tensed up and the muscles in my throat hardly allow me to swallow. I told my mother she is the blame for all of this, so she is not talking to me and it bothers me, but I just don't care because I am that sick.

Donna, thank you for letting me e-mail those letters from my brother. It made me feel better that someone else read them. I feel such a bond to all of you girls, especially you because we talk about our mothers ugly, and I don't feel guilty when I read your postings.

Thanks again for all of you being my friends, going try to locate my book, so I can do my homework for next week.

Love and KIsses


Beautiful words, and good advice.


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