Ralph S. Robbins, CFP©, is a licensed Certified Financial Planning Practitioner and an Accredited VA Claims Agent specializing in Eldercare Financial Planning. He works everyday helping families in crisis find creative ways to fund long-term care expenses and deal with family financial issues.



How can a granddaughter get paid for care giving to her grandmother, without medicaid later penalizing and con...

It is perfectly legitimate for you to be paid for caregiving services and your grandmother does not have to penalized for paying you. In... see more


How do I explain mother-in-law's living situation on her tax forms?

I don't see where there is an income tax issue here unless there is a mortgage interest deduction you feel she may not be entitled to... see more


Is there a minimum amount to set up an irrevocable trust fund?

There is no minimum as just about any asset can be titled in the name of a trust (such as a bank account with $100). The question I would... see more


Would an advance on a reverse mortgage heloc be counted as an asset for Medicaid?

Whether a reverse mortgage or home equity line of credit, the transfer, even if made directly to an institution, will be considered a gift... see more


My Grandmother gifted my fiance her property and he built a house. She is now ill, what will medicaid do?

How long ago was the gift made? If more than 5 years have passed then there will be no issue. If less than 5 years have elapsed, and... see more


Nursing Home admin implied my mother-in-law may be discharged because of a balance rendered before Medicaid wa...

It may be wise to contact the Long-Term Care Ombudsman's office.... see more


Can Medicaid delay eligibility with a home in a trust?

GladImHere... A Revocable Living Trust (aka “Living Trust” or “Inter Vivos Trust”) is an estate planning tool that is frequently used as a... see more


If you have an IRA, can Medicare access it if you're in a nursing home?

Deefer... I'm afraid your mom received poor advice. There were ways that the bulk of her assets, including IRA principal, could have... see more


If you have an IRA, can Medicare access it if you're in a nursing home?

SusieQ... I’m sure your question was about Medicaid, not Medicare and the answer depends on the state in which you live. It appears you... see more


Should I sign the payment arrangements on the admissions packet for the nursing home that my dad just went int...

You should not sign any document that will make you financially liable for your father's expenses.


If a grantor signs a quit claim deed making the property into a living trust, can the grantor change to whom s...

Your question is not clear. Who put the property in a living trust? Who's living trust is it? Who is the current homeowner? ... see more


My mother with dementia was recently granted Aid and Attendance benefits. Can this money be counted by Medica...

Reverseroles…. You are absolutely correct that the Aid and Attendance benefit your mother receives is to assist her with “unreimbursed... see more


My mother with dementia was recently granted Aid and Attendance benefits. Can this money be counted by Medica...

Taurus… It is important to keep in mind which agency is responsible for evaluating and determining eligibility and qualification... see more


My mother with dementia was recently granted Aid and Attendance benefits. Can this money be counted by Medica...

ddv601... I am very surprised to hear of your experience. The treatment of the Housebound or Aid and Attendance portion of VA non-service... see more


Does anyone know a knowledgeable Veterans Aid and Attendance lawyer in SWFLA?

The information regarding qualification for VA Aid and Attendance Improved Pension can often indeed be confusing and conflicting. As a VA... see more


Must all funds in joint accounts be disclosed to nursing home on application?

Any asset of which the applicant has any incidence of ownership must be disclosed. If it can be demonstrated that a portion of the value... see more


My mother with dementia was recently granted Aid and Attendance benefits. Can this money be counted by Medica...

Only a portion of the Aid and Attendance benefit will be counted as income by Medicaid. Technically, there are three levels of non-service... see more


If I have a joint bank account with my mother can I move her funds to a new account in my name in case she mov...

mysweetcat... Isn't mom's Social Security going to the nursing home? I would be very surprised if it is not. All of mom's... see more


Can I claim the amount I pay to the Assisted Living facility for mom to cover the balance on my taxes without...

reindeermama is on the right track. If you are paying more than 50% of her support costs you may claim her as a dependent and deduct the... see more

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