K. Gabriel Heiser, J.D., is an attorney with over 25 years of experience in elder law and estate planning. He is the author of "How to Protect Your Family's Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets," an annually updated practical guide for the layperson.
If a grantor signs a quit claim deed making the property into a living trust, can the grantor change to whom s...
When my mother's income is utilized by Medicaid, how do her bills get paid?
Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?
Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?
If in future I wish to change POA or cancel what should I do?
Can you override a power of attorney by filling out a new one?
Can you override a power of attorney by filling out a new one?
How do you change a document where money is involved to a nursing home account?
Can you override a power of attorney by filling out a new one?
Any suggestions on buying a house together with elderly parents?
Any suggestions on buying a house together with elderly parents?
I'm DPOA for my parents effective immediately. How do I set up bank accounts?
When is the best time to apply for Medicaid?
Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?
When is the best time to apply for Medicaid?
When is the best time to apply for Medicaid?
Can someone explain what the 5-year "look back" period for Medicaid is?
I need to find a nursing home for my father, where do I start?
Can Medicaid say my mom is not sick enough yet to pay for her nursing home bills?
How do I stop a bank from acknowledging a Revocation of DPOA issued after the principle was deemed incompetent...