Guided by the goal of ensuring that family caregivers have the knowledge they need to care for their loved ones, her work has appeared in numerous online and print publications, and she was recently named one of Media Industry News’ "RisingStars in Media."


For families who wish to minimize funeral costs, cremation is often a more affordable alternative to a traditional burial. Understand average cremation costs and the factors that affect the overall price of this disposition option.

Learn how to find caregiver support by asking friends and family for help in ways that play to their strengths.

A new study uncovers how a regular exercise routine could help people with Alzheimer’s maintain their ability to better perform everyday tasks.

Unsure about how you will be able to cover long-term care costs? Learn how to convert life insurance to long-term care services without jeopardizing your Medicaid eligibility.

A recent survey sheds light on which parent adult children would choose to live with, and why. 76% preferred one parent over the other--who was it?

More than any other medical professionals, nurses spend the most time providing hands-on care for patients and interacting with family caregivers. Here’s a list of six elder care insights that nurses share with family members who are new to caregiving.

Officials have offered various money-saving Medicare reforms, but a recent analysis has found that the most popular reforms could cost some seniors their coverage.

Alzheimer's training is on its way towards becoming an official requirement for police officers nationwide.

According to a recent CDC survey, baby boomers experiencing memory troubles may be hesitant to seek medical help.

Vermont passed a landmark bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide and offering protection to doctors and family of people who seek life-ending medication.

Understand the specifications of your POA document to avoid unnecessary strife regarding important medical and financial decisions.

Payday loans may be an especially bad choice for elderly adults, many of whom have limited budgets and fixed incomes. Learn what makes these loans so dangerous.

‘Minute clinics’ based in retail stores are becoming increasingly popular among the elderly. But are they really a safe care option for aging Americans?

Ashley Campbell, daughter of legendary singer, Glen Campbell, opens up about what it's like to live and perform with a father who has Alzheimer's disease.

Finding the right assisted living facility can be tricky, especially when you factor in the federal, state and in-house regulations that govern everything from admission requirements to the protocol for putting a bandage on a resident.

More doctors and nurses are visiting patients in their own homes; a practice that is being encouraged by government programs like Medicare and the VA. Discover what this trend means for the future of senior healthcare.

Depression and the early stages of dementia share many symptoms, making it hard to distinguish the two. Can a diagnosis of cognitive impairment cause a senior to become depressed, or can depression cause dementia?

Taking a trip to the zoo can be a great way for family caregivers and their elderly loved ones to get outside and experience the benefits of interacting with animals and nature.

Managing depression in a loved one with dementia can be a challenge. Here are 4 tips for helping an elder with dementia work through their depression.

Statins are the most common prescription medication taken by aging adults, and as with any drug, there are benefits of and drawbacks to their use. Consider these facts if you or your loved one is taking a cholesterol-lowering drug.

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